I have Cr 10 in win xp.
I want to repeat a group header which has only texts in it to appear when it meets condition that is hits the end of 1 wk:
{@Date} = {@PrevDate} + 6
How can i go about doing so? thanks.
Meer Tanzina Husain
I am using CR 10 in win Xp.
I will like to know how I can create new page for each group header, I dont want any of my group to be continued to another group, i want all groups separate in different pages, does not matter how many pages one group uses.
Ps. help,
Meer Tanzina Husain
you mean use 2 formulas, one in report header and one in details and then do suppress in details?
if i do that, then only the column with Row variable that i just created using your formula gets changed, none other columns change as i wish to.
I dont see any suppress when i right click details, but there is one suppress when i right click details and that is in section expert->suppress no drill down, when i put the formula in there and follow as you said, it does not make any difference to the values.
This is what I have:
days date CPTRST TIME
sun 1/2/2005 I 10:22:34AM
sun 1/2/2005 O 3:45:33PM
sun 1/2/2005 I 11:23:59AM
sun 1/2/2005 O 3:43:40PM
sun 1/2/2005 I 09:60:38AM
sun 1/2/2005 O 09:50:38PM
I am using CR 10, through ODBC from Win XP professional.
Example of my problem:
I have string type time values, here is my <@time> formula:
numberVar secs := Round({DUPTIMRPT4.CPPCTM} mod 100);
numberVar time2 := ({DUPTIMRPT4.CPPCTM}-secs)/100;
numberVar mins := Round(time2 mod 100)...
I would like to know if I can declare an array for time field, for suppose I would like to store a part of table "time" in array timeIn and another part of table "time" in array timeOut, and how would I go about calling these two arrays from a formula?
I want to display records such as (Days, Time) when Count rows =2, when I make formula saying "if <@Count> = 2 then (stringVar Days; timeVar Time)" it only displays Time and doesnt show Days field.
How can i display all fields using condition?
How would I divide the count of {@time} field, I dont see any option, pls let me know.
And after you know, the number of "in" times and "out" times, how would I know which ones are "in" times and which are "out" times?
I had my fields grouped in Days, so when I use sort using Record sort expert, it does not make any difference to my fields, it still shows the minimum and the maximum for each day only and not all the minimums and the maximums for each day.
I have these fields in details:
Days InOut...
I am trying to get values that appear more than once from "days", for example i have:
<string> <string> <date field> <time field>
Days InOut Date Time
----- ------- ------- -------
Sun I 1/17/2005 1am
Sun O 1/17/2005 1pm
Can I change group order, 'cause like I already grouped in "days" and whenever i create any new groups it comes later to group in "days"? If i can, how so please let me know.
I want to reset my column after every week, I dont want to group in my date field to do so, is there anyway i can go about resetting my datas every week?
For ex i have these below column in group order on "days":
days date hours
---- ---- -----
sun 1/2/2005 5
mon 1/3/2005 6...
I dont think i quite understand -
I have my time field (@time) displayed in hh:mm:ss and takes care of AM and PM, below is the formula:-
stringVar str3 := CStr(TimeSerial(hours, mins,secs ), "hh:mm:ss");
if (hours > 12 and hours < 24) then
stringVar str3 + " P.M." else
str3 +...
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