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  • Users: fox12
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  1. fox12

    Convert Special Characters Back to ASCII or Readable

    good idea. I'll check that, and get back. Thanks so much.
  2. fox12

    Convert Special Characters Back to ASCII or Readable

    I am sure I am using the right instance of the page. If I take off the "description" field value which contains the hyphen, it will work fine. It now seems an Ajax issue now. I added the exit(0) before echo json_encode($targetPage), and the page popped up a javascript saying that it is...
  3. fox12

    Convert Special Characters Back to ASCII or Readable

    Vacunita, Thank you very much. I did a str_replace, and it did write to a text file with a hyphen properly. However, I still have a problem in displaying it properly in a web browser. I use a simple query like "select * from myTable where ID = ?" to grab the data. But I have a specified...
  4. fox12

    Convert Special Characters Back to ASCII or Readable

    Thanks for your answer. But I don't think my server has "recode" installed. I tried that, but it did not work. I also try "iconv" to convert it from iso-8859-1 to utf-8 and print it to a web page. This time, it shows as a strange sign. Since the previous developer left my company, no one...
  5. fox12

    Convert Special Characters Back to ASCII or Readable

    I have some special chars like hyphen, quotes etc in a string. They are stored in MySql database. When I queried the record directly from the db, it appears that the records is fine by showing a hyphen (-) or quotes (either single or double). However, when I read it from the database, and...
  6. fox12

    Weird Failure after System() call

    Thank you very much, guys. I just figured out what it was a time-out issue. By the way, there is none output before executing the system() command. $cmd = "/some/path/to/test.pl >& /tmp/mylogs/logs.txt" The test.pl will read data from a ftp server and db, and create three xml files. All...
  7. fox12

    Weird Failure after System() call

    It still failed, even if I did that. In addition, since I am writing to the error log, it should succeed in putting "Cmd complete" to the Apache error log file. But it did not go anywhere. Instead, it showed the msg "prematured end of script header". It worked on one VirtualHost...
  8. fox12

    Weird Failure after System() call

    I have a test.cgi program which calls a perl program by using system(). I have the code snippet like below: print STDERR "Before Executing Cmd\n"; system($cmd); print STDERR "Cmd complete\n"; $cmd is a .pl program which will create a three files in the specified directory. In the log file, I...
  9. fox12

    [b]Untaint a File Path variable[/b]

    Hi, Gurus, not familiar with Taint. I have a shell command call like below: my $exeCommand = "$parentPath/mybin/createPDF $sourceFile $workingDirectory/$targetFile"; my status = '$exeCommand'; The script runs on a Linux box. $parentPath is an absolute path to the sub directory...
  10. fox12

    Asynchronous Callback Web Services in Perl

    My understanding is that AJAX uses the javascript/XML tech. While XML is OK, I want to get rid of any javascript in my application because many of my users will disable the javascript in the browser.
  11. fox12

    Asynchronous Callback Web Services in Perl

    Hi, Gurus, I have a page calling a web service. Because it will take more than a minute to compute, I'd like to implement an async call to the web services. I know Perl does not have a direct support for async call. However, I hear there is a way to implement it. The question is HOW??? I...
  12. fox12

    VB .Net2002 Save Excel Worksheet as another Excel file

    I am building an application using VB .Net2002 (later version will be fine if it is required). I want to read an Excel file, and save each worksheet in it as another Excel file. Is there any body who did that before? It would be appreciated much if you could show me some sample code, or...
  13. fox12

    How to Execute a Tcl script from a C Program?

    I have a tcl script to be called within a C program. I use the system(tcl_script_file) to execute it. The call returns successfully, but the script is never executed. What is the right way to run a Tcl script from within a C program. By the way, the script will take in one argument. I run...
  14. fox12

    Return Status for system()

    I tried what Salem suggested in the following two ways, and found that both of the status is "1" now. char *cmdstring = "\"cd /usr/local/transaction/reports/;" "/export/home/user9/scripts/trans purchase_08112006.log\""; status = system(cmd); status = WEXITSTATUS(status); and char...
  15. fox12

    Return Status for system()

    That is a good suggestion. I'll try that once I am back in office Monday. Thanks so much.
  16. fox12

    Return Status for system()

    By the way, if I run "cd /usr/local/transaction/reports/; /export/home/user9/scripts/trans purchase_08112006.log", it works fine. Fox12
  17. fox12

    Return Status for system()

    The status still returned a value "0" by using status = WEXITSTATUS(status). How can I go further? Fox12
  18. fox12

    Return Status for system()

    cmdstring = "cd /usr/local/transaction/reports/; /export/home/user9/scripts/trans purchase_08112006.log" //purchase_08112006.log is the actual log file to be //passed to the script "trans" and to be created //by "trans" . int status; status = system(cmdstring); if (status == -1)...
  19. fox12

    Return Status for system()

    The OS is Solaris 10 x86. Don't know the actual value of the return status. But I know it is not equal to -1. I'll let you know tomorrow. Thanks.
  20. fox12

    Return Status for system()

    Gurus, In a code segment, I have the code below strcat(cmdstring, "/export/home/user9/scripts/trans"); // trans is an executable script status = system(cmdstring); if (status = -1) { sprintf(msg, "System() call failed\n"); } else { sprintf(msg, "System() call succeeded\n"); } My...

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