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Search results for query: *

  1. gjsaturday

    Conditional formatting...

    I have the following code on the tab of an excel worksheet. Sub change_cell_color(ByVal Target As Range) Dim icolor As Integer Worksheets("sheet1").Activate areaCount = Selection.Rows.Count If areaCount = 1 Then If Not Intersect(Target, Range("C2:AH85")) Is Nothing Then Select...
  2. gjsaturday

    Using hints...

    Hello! I have two very similar tables. T1 (only has today's data) with an index on time field T2 (exactly like T1 but with historical data) no index Is there a way with hints to utilize the time index from T1 on T2? Forgive me if this is very simple, just trying to get a grasp of what's...
  3. gjsaturday

    Issue with scheduling

    Hello! I'm fairly new to Crystal Enterprise 10. This wierd thing is happening to me. I have created several folders with copies of reports in them all. In all but 1 folder, I'm able to schedule reports to be emailed out (excel format) with no issues. In this one particular folder...
  4. gjsaturday

    Brand new to telephony...

    I was wondering if there is anyway to query the database to find out what CCTs have a comment on them? I'm thinking it will have something to do with the cctwit table, in particular the image field with a long raw datatype, correct? Thanks in advance!
  5. gjsaturday

    Strange problem

    I copied a table in Access,added _bak to the name, made changes to it, and then renamed the original _bak1, and renamed my modified copy to the original. Now when I'm trying to add a new record from a form, I get a message, "You cannot add or change a record because a related record is required...
  6. gjsaturday

    Excel Macro help...

    I created a macro in Excel 2002 that some offsite users are trying to use in Excel 2000. I do not have access to Excel 2000 to re-create this macro. Can someone help me. They are receiving the following error: run-time error '448': Named argument not found Debugging brings them to the...
  7. gjsaturday

    Email step in job no longer working...

    Gradley, thanks for your input. I have a ticket open with my techinal support services. Hopefully they'll be able to help me. To do the email, I actually use a step in the job with the following TSQL code: declare @rc int exec @rc = master.dbo.xp_smtp_sendmail @FROM =...
  8. gjsaturday

    Email step in job no longer working...

    One more note, I have other jobs that are only emailed to internal people and those are still working just fine.
  9. gjsaturday

    Email step in job no longer working...

    I have over 20 jobs where step one is a DTS package to create an excel spreadsheet with query results. The 2nd step is to email out that spreadsheet to people outside my organization. This process has been working great for over a month. As of yesterday, the email step doesn't work. In the...
  10. gjsaturday

    can someone tell me why

    a query would be written this way... SELECT (SELECT Code FROM Location AS A WHERE A.ID = Location.Parent) AS typecode, (select CODE from type where Location.type=type.ID) as tCode,dbo.OrderRecommendation.Amount...
  11. gjsaturday

    General DTS question...

    I have several DTS packages scheduled to generate an excel spreadsheet and email them to various individuals. They work just great. However, now I'm getting requests to "format" the spreadsheets prior to emailing. I think I can add a step to the job to "format" the spreadsheet prior to...
  12. gjsaturday

    Find and insert page breaks...

    Okay, but the cell value isn't exactly, "Total". It ends with the word total, but begins with varying Store numbers, i.e. "101 Total", "102 Total", "103 Total", etc... Thanks again!
  13. gjsaturday

    Subquery question...

    this is the query I'd like to use as a subquery... [code] select store.name, a.date,min(b.date)-1 from location parts inner join inventory a on parts.id = a.id and a.shipin > 0 and a.shipout > 0 inner join inventory b on parts.id = b.id and b.shipin > 0 and b.shipout > 0 and b.date > a.date...
  14. gjsaturday

    Subquery question...

    I have a query that gives me a list of dates (3 columns, id, from date, and to date). I want to incorporate this query result using between in the where clause. Is this possible? i.e. Query results id from to 1 1/1/05 1/3/05 2 1/2/05 1/5/05 etc... I want to select...
  15. gjsaturday

    Find and insert page breaks...

    I've tried, but I don't know how to repeat the find and insert portion... My recording generated this... Selection.Find(What:="Total", After:=ActiveCell, LookIn:=xlFormulas, _ LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByColumns, SearchDirection:=xlNext, _ MatchCase:=False...
  16. gjsaturday

    How can I relate a "schedule" from one table to the dates in another?

    Thanks so much John! Yes, that's how I want the ins and outs rolled up so my results should look something like... id     date      in   out 1     03/22/2005 15 8 1     03/24/2005 13 4 2     03/21/2005 10 8 2     03/23/2005 12 4 2     03/25/2005 12 2 3     03/22/2005 20 11 3     03/25/2005 10...
  17. gjsaturday

    Find and insert page breaks...

    I have the following I want create a macro that finds the word "total" in a specific column and inserts a page break immediately after that cell. Can this be done? Thanks in advance.
  18. gjsaturday

    total resords count on grouping

    I've used something similar myself, but don't have the exact code with me. it should look something like the following... SELECT case grouping(CCHDBA.III_RESULT_MESSAGE_XREF.MSG_CD) when 0 then CCHDBA.III_RESULT_MESSAGE_XREF.MSG_CD else 'Total' , CCH_MESSAGE.MSG_TEXT...
  19. gjsaturday

    How can I relate a "schedule" from one table to the dates in another?

    TB1 id m t w th f 1 0 1 0 1 0 2 1 0 1 0 1 3 0 2 0 0 2 4 2 0 2 0 2 Shipments made on days where <> 0, so id 1 gets shipments on Tuesdays and Thursdays, ids 2 & 4 on Mondays, Wednesdays, & Fridays, and id 3 on Tuesdays &...

Part and Inventory Search
