I have created a program that takes calendar data from our Exchange Server and placed them in an XMLdocument. The XMLdata are then transformed into an Persitence XML doc. The doc is then browsed on our server. What I need is an ADo provider that can contact our url where the document is browsed...
I have enter the following code in VBsrcipt in Frontpage
The Following works fine
Sub Window_OnLoad()
Dim xmlDoc, xmlTeXt
set xmldoc = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
xmldoc.open "GET","http://www.google.com",false
I am trying to load som XML down from a file on my domain, I am using a Httprequest like this
set xmlHttp = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
xmlHttp.open ("GET", http://"Timereg/PivotXML.xml", false)
In connection with this I can mention that the...
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