Is there a query I can run which will show any records in table that dont meet the date format because of human error ie mistype the format is required is dd/mm/yyyy. sometimes the users type dd/mm/yyy and it messes up export.
Is there any way to have a query on the dates to show any which are...
I have a table and the field in called startdate
What I want to to show all records of people before 90 days and before todays date. basically today is 19/05/05 I want all records before 90 days ie 19/02/05 when ever i run the query. so i dont want the query to pick up the last 3 months ie 90...
I have a table called overall within this table there are a number of fields. One is called operation which is linked to a lookup table called typeofoperation mentioning colmn 1 ear, nose, throat (in a combo box). The next field operationdetails also uses the same lookup table called type...
Further to this
columnA = combo267
columnB = combo268
columnC = combo269
all i would like to do is add the combo267 + combo268 + combo 269. I have not used forms that much but may need a bit of guidance on this
can anyone help
How do i add 3 columns which are combo boxes in a sub form, columnA, columnB , columnC.
=(columnA + columnB + columnC)
I tried that and it did not seem to work, any other solutions, that may help
Are there any way to have a form that will once you fill out the criteria ie items to find ie surnames starting with S and date of birth after 10/02/2002, and click on a button only those details selected is shown on a new form. Please let me know if anyone has a sample access database that...
I have a difficult question. In sheet 1 in cell A1 if I type HELLO, and in sheet 2 cell A1 i type hello. How do I check in sheet 3 in cell A1 to see if what is in sheet 1(A1) and sheet 2 (A1) is the same or different. The problem is that it has to be case specific upper and lower case. If...
I have set up a form using TAB CONTROL, how is it possible to change the default background grey to other colours. Is there any way this can be done.
I dont know what I am doing wrong
I go to ColumnC and right click on After Update, choose code builder, and typed this code
Private Sub ColumnC_AfterUpdate()
ColumnC = ColumnA - ColumnB
If ColumnC >= 14 Then
MsgBox "Over 14 days"
End If
End Sub
I enter data on ColumnA, I enter data on...
i have tried this but it does not seem to show a message box
Went to After update, code builder.
Private Sub Column C_AfterUpdate()
If [Column B] - [Column A] >= 14 Then
MsgBox "Over 14 days"
End If
End Sub
Also have tried this and not seem to work
Private Sub Column C_AfterUpdate()
I wonder if anyone can help. In Access forms I have column A and column B and Column C. Column C = Column B - Column A. Now can I have a message box/popup box displayed in column C only if the value is greater than >=14. Message saying over 14 days. if the value in Column c is less than 14...
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