Thanks for your response sedj. Nope , my requirements are pretty basic. Just want 2 know the best way of performing String formatting.
My solution is basically :
String in=getUnformattedPhone();
Object out=null;
MaskFormatter mf=new MaskFormatter()...
Hi Every1.
Does anyone has a pre 1.5 approach to formatting and displaying text Strings rendered via a JLabel ?
Say like you have a String phone = "123.456.7890"
And I would like it to be displayed as :-
Does any1 care to give me an approach to this ?
Thanks alot.
Well if its any consolation, I have every single sun certification (java based) going apart from certified mobile whatyoumacallerit and i'm still learning !!!
No, application-client.xml is part of the J2EE spec so its vendor neutral. That, with tools like LaunchClient.bat etc are the *recommended* way of providing swing based-ejb clients (or so I have read).
My experience with EJB's is from 1.x upto 2.1. I've only had a need to get into swing...
Thanks for your continued thoughts on this Tim, your reply :-
>>I use the descriptors to alter the actual class location >>of the home interface the unchanged JNDI name references. >>This is the indirection I think I meant
Was one aspect I was referring to. Exactly what descriptors are we...
I've just done some searches on the NET regarding Swing and EJB's and one of my questions was how do you run a swing client that accesses EJB's. The hits come up with invoking the launchClient.bat program.
has anyone used this to run Java Apps that invoke EJB's ?
Please note, I can get my...
I don't agree that the JNDI entries are indirected. Thats the point behind deployment descriptor files. If you move your entries to a new JNDI server or an administrator changes the names of the JNDI then you don't have to recompile any CLASS files. You just need to redeploy the descriptor files...
No, using Jar is okay .... its the problem of trying to resolve EJB names that are referenced in the swing app. If you hard-code the JNDI name (bad practice) then ur right, no deployment descriptor file is required.
JNDI.Properties is only required if you do not indirectly supply any...
I'm already using the ServiceLocator, Singleton and Business Delegate. However, these patterns are only helpful for architectural design and not really part of the deployment process.
I'm really after the process on how you JAR up and deploy a swing application that references EJB. and how you...
Hi everyone.
I hope someone can point me in the right direction.
I have a Swing application that invokes an EJB and retrieves information back. This works fine in development mode.
I just want to able to deploy my Swing application now without hardcoding the name of the JNDI context. I should...
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