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  • Users: i3iz
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  1. i3iz

    IE/win Flashing....

    ok so i tried to redo it in "suckerfish style" unfortunately it really tweaks out in IE and i am having trouble finding out why i need to do weird things... e.g. i need to change the margin-left: -40px; in some places. IE is still all over the board. The margins are really weird and do not...
  2. i3iz

    IE/win Flashing....

    Suckerfish is also supposed to "flicker" http://www.alistapart.com/discuss/dropdowns/10/ I suppose i could check them out, but i figured they had the same problem. --i3iz Technical Newbie
  3. i3iz

    IE/win Flashing....

    I used csshover.htc and my guess is that it parses the CSS file everytime it hovers and hence forth...reloads the entire menu every time. But i am open to other interpritations do you need the csshover.htc ??? In answer to your questions: 1. no mac browsers...did not try any other win...
  4. i3iz

    IE/win Flashing....

    I am implimenting a new menu system at work it is CSS and uses HTC to get IE/win to recognize my menus. Unfortunately everytime i move to a different part of the menu, it looks as if the entire menu reloads. I will post the code if i need to, but i am curious as to what could be causing this...
  5. i3iz

    Internet Explorer looks so different...help!

    haha... thanks you rock... i will clean it up. --i3iz Technical Newbie
  6. i3iz

    Internet Explorer looks so different...help!

    Well the code is in http://tek-tips.com/viewthread.cfm?qid=1020668&page=1 but my question is... Howcome IE/Win keeps the level1 160px when i have told it i want it to be 83.333px? is there special coding needed for IE?
  7. i3iz

    Shift CSS Menu over??? how???

    ok so now i just put the below list into a table and removed the other margin. Turns out the float was doing all of the work. New problem is the fact that on windows IE it inherits some of the values. So instead of Level1 = 83.333px, it is actually 160, and level2 and level3 are also 160px...
  8. i3iz

    Shift CSS Menu over??? how???

    i want it to be centered. But i want each float to be 83.333px to the right of the previous one... does changing the margins in this line affect the rest of the menu? --i3iz Technical Newbie
  9. i3iz

    Shift CSS Menu over??? how???

    The menu i created does not center, it sits 83.333px from the left side of the screen. HOW DO I CENTER THE MENU? <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head>...
  10. i3iz

    uploading images/creating thumbnails

    this code is awesome.... <?php if(isset($_POST['Submit'])) { $size = 150; // the thumbnail height $filedir = 'pics/'; // the directory for the original image $thumbdir = 'thumbs/'; // the directory for the thumbnail image $prefix = 'tn_'; // the prefix to be added to the original name...
  11. i3iz

    uploading images/creating thumbnails

    for some reason i cannot get the above code working. Is there something missing? --i3iz Technical Newbie
  12. i3iz

    uploading images/creating thumbnails

    Flubbard, thanks, i will try that code. I can upload a file, and i can insert the location into the mysql db, but when i start to try to resize it, i get lost in the code. I am a graphics guy not a coder. I am good at appropriating code. So thanks i will try it. --JB --i3iz Technical Newbie
  13. i3iz

    Help with NESTED IF statements...i think

    Why am i getting an error at the start of my nested if code? <?php function thumb($source, $quality = 80) { /* Check for the image's exisitance */ if (!file_exists($source)) { echo 'File does not exist!'; } else { $size =...
  14. i3iz

    uploading images/creating thumbnails

    I tried to use Litebearers Code and it is giving me an error at line 14. Which is tmp_name.... I changed it to my serverpath.... I HAVE HAD SO MUCH TROUBLE GETTING A FILE TO RESIZE UPLOAD AND STORE LOCATIONS OF THE FILE AND THUMB IN THE DATABASE why can no one help me? --i3iz Technical Newbie
  15. i3iz

    Plz Help: Image Resize, when inputing into DBA

    anyone know how to integrate my upload script to utilize the resized images? --i3iz Technical Newbie
  16. i3iz

    Plz Help: Image Resize, when inputing into DBA

    <?php // The file $filename = 'test.jpg'; // Set a maximum height and width $width = 150; $height = 150; // Content type header('Content-type: image/jpeg'); // Get new dimensions list($width_orig, $height_orig) = getimagesize($filename); if ($width && ($width_orig < $height_orig)) {   ...
  17. i3iz

    Plz Help: Image Resize, when inputing into DBA

    Sweet thanks... so i have this code now... On my display page. Turns out i dont need a thumb, because i can let the server do the work...right? This is a compramise between server storage and processor load. Next question...What if i want the file to be maximum 150 in H or W, and the rest...
  18. i3iz

    Plz Help: Image Resize, when inputing into DBA

    here is my question... how do i do this?  can you resize images - yes! use the php image manipulation add-on libraries.  I want to split the upload into 2 files, a thumbnail and a resize to be within a certain parameter. Seeing someone elses code doing this would help. I just cant figure...
  19. i3iz

    displaying pictures on a site

    I keep the image locations in a database to be easily organized. In this page, i call it index.php and i have a slide frame that goes around the images. It adds a cool touch. I know there is a better way to do this, and that is with thumb nails, instead of resizing the image, but i am still...
  20. i3iz

    Basic php? How to forward to new page?

    Use If, else; If $form = agree {new code} else If $form = ""; $form = "new"; If $form = new {agree code} basically redirect the browser to different points on your page. Above code may be incorrect. --i3iz Technical Newbie

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