I have a bar chart using the cluster option to display income for 3 fiscal years (cluster) for each of the 12 months (X axis).
Is it possible to make each bar in the cluster a "stacked" bar showing the week by week income within each fiscal year, while maintaining the current 3 bar groups for...
Each of the crosstabs is actually in a separate subreport to control selection criteria. The crosstabs automatically create summaries of the total receipts for each agency (rows) and for each fiscal year (columns) as well as a Grand Total.
In need to capture each of the column summaries, from...
Version: 8.5
Source: read-only view
An existing report contains several crosstabs to display fiscal year receipts for agencies grouped by agency type.
How can I pass the summaries from each generated Fiscal Year column in each crosstab to the report footer to create a report summary? The...
I have a VERY technology challenged manager who wants to run a few CR(8.5) I have developed, on demand.
The CR we are using came packaged with a DB product. This allows us to develop custom CR output, but we do not have "full" versions of CR. All of the custom reports must be run from the...
Version 8.5
My report groups transactions by the day of the week received (1=Sun, 2=Mon, etc.) This information is pulled from a DateTime field with the formula:
DayOfWeek ({LABSUB.Received Date})
The report displays a group header with the text day name showing from the formula:
Version: 8.5
Data Source: Access View with Read Only access
A text field contains, somewhere in the string, "Municipal", "District", or "Federal" (without the quotes). This field is the record specifier in the Rows entry of a CrossTab.
How do I group all the records, in alphabetical...
Never Mind!!
I answered my own question. Still working on format, but have the information I need. Too early in the morning, I guess.
Excellent response and I thank you!
50% Success!!!!
Report 1 worked perfectly, THANK YOU!
However, Report 2 still isn't delivering what I need. Following your suggestions this is the output I get:
7/02 8/02 9/02
FY02 Tot FY02 Tot FY02 Tot
What I need:
Version: 8.5
DataSource: View with read-only access
I have no problem creating a cross tab displaying the correct records with column headings of:
2003 2004 2005
Jan Feb Mar... Jan Feb Mar... Jan Feb Mar...
by putting the date field in...
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