perhaps I was unclear
This is the output I want:
when I do arp -a I get this kind of output:
Now I'm thinking this is a simple regex find and delete. I'm just uncertain how to match ( and ) and replace with empty string.
when I do arp -a I get this kind of output:
All I want to do is to remove the parens and keep the ip address. I've tried this with sed and gotten nowhere.
sed 's/\(//g'
I have this query against database nessus table results:
select count(risk) as "Subtotals:",risk as "Risk Level" from results group by risk;
select count(risk) as "Subtotals:",risk as "Risk Level" from results group by risk;
and it returns:
Subtotals: Risk Level
36 2
Ok here's my code:
foreach $line (@aonly) {
print FH $line,$item,'WHAT SETTING SHOULD BE:';
chomp $line;
problem is I miss the first line I get:
What Setting Should be: yayayayaya
What Setting Should be: ababababab
What Setting Should be: xxxxxxxxxx
What Setting Should be:
I tried your suggestion.
It does this:
blah blah blah
blah blah blah
blah blah blah
is not in compliance
but I'm trying to do:
blah blah blah is not in compliance
blah blah blah is not in compliance
blah blah blah is not in compliance
how would I do that?
I currently have a script that works fine.
It loads file A into an array. It then searches for each line in @A in file B.
It then reports back to me which lines in @A that id DOESN'T find in file B.
I'm printing out these results with:
print FH (@aonly, $item);
The problem is you have not assigned a password to the root account. Mysqld won't start up with a blank root password.
$mysqladmin -u root -p
Enter password: <enter the root password you want here> <enter>
then as root do:
mysqld_safe &
this will start the mysqld server.
Depending on how...
I'm trying to figure out the sql syntax to delete every row from a specified table. I don't want to drop the table just clean out every row...
I've tried:
no luck.
Can someone give me a shove in the right direction?
From experimenting, I've found that (?) and ? both work.
Does anyone know if it's possible to pass more than one placeholder? Say I want to specify two or more terms in the SELECT statement can I use ? and ?1? or some other form of multiple placeholders inside the SQL query?
I ran a test where I created a new database and found that as root I can create a database and inert into it just fine. Again this is creating the database on the mac not importing into it via mysqlimport.
I'm having trouble adding records to a database in mysql on macos x.
Just some background:
I loaded the database from a mysqldump file taken off a windows box.
database is named lookup with tables: ports, icmp and icmpcode.
I have two users jamesk and root
here are the grants...
removing the quotes gives me:
C:\Documents and Settings\kellyji\Desktop>perl 23
DBD::mysql::st execute failed: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the m
anual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use
near 'VALUES ('23')' at line 1 at
I'm having a problem with line 26. As you can see I'm trying to pass the value of Port as $ARGV[0] on the command line:
1 #!/usr/bin/perl
2 ################
3 ##
4 ################
5 use DBI;
6 use strict;
8 ###############...
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