dear all,
in VB 6 we can read/write to .ini file using GetPrivateProfile.. function, I know i can do the same way in .Net but i want to avoid using Win32 API as much as i can and using .Net framework only. Anybody knows how to do that?
My office has Exchange 5.5 server on NT 4.0 SP 6.0.
Everything runs well until this morning when i found that the server runs sooooo slow, even for displaying NT explorer window.
When i checked on Task Manager, i found that almost (99%) of processor resources was consumed by Store.exe.
what is...
How to select multi files in a CommonDialog1.ShowOpen?
by default, we only can select one file at a time. I wonder if there is a way to select 2 or more files.
U know, things just like we did in Winamp
The code below is taken from SQL Server Books Online, it shows how to get value from store procedure
Dim cn As New ADODB.Connection
Dim cmd As New ADODB.Command
Dim rs As New ADODB.Recordset
cn.Provider = "sqloledb"
To validate user's input soon after it's typed, you can use the LostFocus or Validate event. Put your validation code here.
btw, if you have trouble with the data control, then i suggest you to stay away from it. Unbound method is more flexible and can give more fun ;-)
normally, a text is keep stay until it cleared. There's must be something somewhere in your code that gives the order to VB to clear the combo box.
Do search for "Combo1.Text =" or "Combo1.ListIndex = -1". This may not a solution but at least it's a start.
Hi all,
I wonder, what's the meaning of error msg "can not resolve symbol"?
I got it when try to compile a java class.
And where I can find references about errors and their meaning?
hi TinkerBear,
according to Sawatzky's suggestion you can save the info in an .ini file. Your program will read/write it whenever needed. To do this you need to use API function. Don't worry, it's easy;-)
put this code into General_Declarations section:
Declare Function...
not sure if this helps.
if MyDBase is a SQL Server database, then you should be able to generate a SQL script which will write the structure of MYDBase (tables, views, sp etc..).
you can then run this script in the destination database to create all objects with the same structure.
you need to use API in this case:
Private Declare Function GetWindowLong Lib "user32" Alias _
"GetWindowLongA" (ByVal hwnd As Long, _
ByVal nIndex As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function SetWindowLong Lib "user32" Alias _...
if it is saved as SQL script that you can open it through Query Analyzer.
Check the code, if it has a 'CREATE DATABASE' function then all you have to do just running it then you will be able to open the db sample in Enterprise Manager.
If not, then you may have to create the db manually and...
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