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Search results for query: *

  1. DMS500Tech

    Size Limiation VBA / Access???

    MoLaker, it looks like you were correct. I had tried a mass update at first calling a function but was having a problem passing the variables so I reverted to the method above because I could get it to work. I did not think about doing an .addnew and .update at the end of each record search...
  2. DMS500Tech

    Size Limiation VBA / Access???

    MoLaker, I had tried a single update in the begining and had some issues but you have given me an idea to try.
  3. DMS500Tech

    Size Limiation VBA / Access???

    Following is basically all of the code with the repeat of the search section removed for space. I have no idea why it goes from a base of 480Kb to over 2 gig in less than 22,000 records and then compacts to less than 19Mb after the code is stopped. Any wise programmers out there see what I...
  4. DMS500Tech

    Size Limiation VBA / Access???

    I hope I did not come across badly, I really appreciate Tek-Tips and everyones suggestions and tips. I spent several hours last night looking at the data structure and it will not be that hard to break it down into smaller chunks of data. Let me work on it for a bit and I will get back with...
  5. DMS500Tech

    Size Limiation VBA / Access???

    GingerR, That is a thought I can seperate them by phone type (different tables) but there is only 3 types of phones, Residential, Analog Centrex, and Digital Centrex. The whole purpose of this project is to be able to dump all this data into Access and do 2 things 1st audit phone features...
  6. DMS500Tech

    Size Limiation VBA / Access???

    KenReay, I wrote the code to built the table because the first thing it does is delete the old table. Figured that would be the quickest way to kill 180,000 records. I have found to clean up the database there has to be a compact and repair done afterwards but that only takes a moment. As far...
  7. DMS500Tech

    Size Limiation VBA / Access???

    so let me ask this, is the 2Gb Limit the maximum size of the database or the maximum size of a table? I cannot seem to find any specs on the limitations of Access. I was under the impression it was only limited by the size of the hard drive. If I was to break it down into several smaller tables...
  8. DMS500Tech

    Size Limiation VBA / Access???

    I have spent a long time figuring out how to write VBA code to build a table in Access that has a column for every phone feature we use. It is about 180 columns wide. I have spent a long time writing the VBA code to search an individual phone record in a text file and extract the feature...
  9. DMS500Tech

    Find a Random String within a String

    You guys rock! I did it just like PHV said with a twist. I set "MyPos to 0 at the begining of the loop and used another "ElseIf MyPos = 0" so I can go ahead and add a forth search. Of course the 4th one does not work (no results) yet but at least it does not error out. Thanks so much for...
  10. DMS500Tech

    Find a Random String within a String

    I fixed the oops of variables to: LinesFromFile = Mid(NextLine, MyPos, 3)
  11. DMS500Tech

    Find a Random String within a String

    stevexff, This is a line from a text file. These are phone features and can range from none to 5 lines. I am attempting to search each line of a text file for 3 different items and insert them into Excel. The first 2 work perfectly and were easy because they are always in the same place of every...
  12. DMS500Tech

    Find a Random String within a String

    Thanks, That is exactly what I needed but I may be back. I am having a little trouble with the logic for the next step.
  13. DMS500Tech

    Find a Random String within a String

    (I have serched the help files of VBA endlessly for a solution but it appears that I don't know how to ask my question) I have the following code that opens a text file searches for certain strings and it works great as long as what I am looking for is in a fixed location but it needs to be...
  14. DMS500Tech

    ElseIf This and This then

    Here is a snippet of code that I am having a little trouble finding a compliment command or rearranging the logic to accomplish my needs. The first IF statement is straight forward and works. The ElseIF statement that needs to come next is giving me problems. r1column1 and r2column1 need to...
  15. DMS500Tech

    strdelete two work the other does not?

    That did the trick. Thanks so much.
  16. DMS500Tech

    strdelete two work the other does not?

    Okay, I just tried a senerio that I had not tried earlier. it is the first character that it the probelem. If the test string starts with a 1 and you search for a 1 it removes the first then stops. If the first character is changed to soemthing else it then loops correctly. same with the other 2...
  17. DMS500Tech

    strdelete two work the other does not?

    Same Scipt, 3 senerios, The first 2 work perfect everytime but the 3rd (searching for a "1")will not work. The first searches for "/" 2nd for "2" and they loop like they are suppose to. The third searches for a "1" and finds the first occurance then stops. I don't get it! PROC MAIN string...
  18. DMS500Tech

    Convert Excel 2003 VBA to Access VBA 2003

    My bad I forgot to mention a few critical items. 1st the file that the Excel spread sheet gets its data from is a 197Mb text file generated from a Procomms Aspect script that runs every morning (which use to be a lot smaller, by about 80%). The blank sheet is opened, then the VBA Macro is ran...
  19. DMS500Tech

    Convert Excel 2003 VBA to Access VBA 2003

    I give up. I have looked and serched this web site for 3 days thru 1000's of titles and dozens of code snippets and can't find what I need. Myself and an intern put together the following code last summer (I am not a programmer it is more like I hack code together until it works). Well I have...
  20. DMS500Tech

    Error Handling

    Thank you geirendre. The only reason I was looking for what I was is because that was the entire line. That has always been my pet pieve about the aspect help files they don't ever seem to go into enough detail about parameters used with commands. Anyway, I shortend the lines and it now seems to...

Part and Inventory Search
