Works great,,, Thanks Guys..
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Public Function Update_Column()
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim strSQL As String
Dim strTempHeader As String
Set db = CurrentDb
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset(strSQL...
Thanks NthDegree
Unfotuntly the code will not work. I understand the loop but theres nothing in my declarations as "database"
Getting a complier error:
User-defined type not defined.
"db As Database" becomes highlighted and
Public Function Update_Column()turnes yellow??
The database...
Hell All,
Is there a way to auto / replace null fields in a column using a LOOP / AUTO FILL UNTIL NOT NULL?? function in a query or something else.........?
ISSUE: 3 columns
LM 5
SD 134
TH 8
TP 23
WN 24
Thanks Payback: But you answered your own question. No VBA coding :(
I'm going to cut it in excel then import it until I can get some skills with VBA or .Net.
Thanks for help with this issue.
Actually I would like to link the .txt file and copy over it as needed. The thing is I would like clean the header part before I do update query on it. My VBA skills are limited as of yet :( I do most of my work in crystal and this report requires access, My thinking was once I get the header...
Hello all :)
I'm trying to format a .txt file for linking and reporting.
its FTPed with coloum headers info and I need to remove that before I link the table: is there a way to do this in access or before using VBA.
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