In this case, instead of Select ... norekening ... from ..., you write Select ... cast(norekening as char(13)) as norekening ... from .... This will make sure that the field is returned as a string, and your problem is gone.
First of all, VFP can't handle such numbers, period. And it's no use to store it as a number anyway, you don't do any calculations with it. So just learn from our experience, and use a string, C(13), instead.
If it's stored on a SQL server as a number, and you don't have any control of it, then...
The coding looks fine, but you must use the right data type. In this case 1312124120052 is NOT a number, it's a string.
From VFP's help, Maximum value of an integer: 2,147,483,647
I think the problem is that the number is bigger than VFP can handle. Try this formula instead:
Update: Store the value as a string instead, c(13), since that's what it really is. Then you can use
Rick usually don't answer such questions on email. He wants people to use his message board, so that others can read his answer, and search previous answers.
That's why the tab on his website is called Support, should be easy to understand.
I think that's the correct way to give support...
I refuse to believe that the message was refused because of the two characters. Most likely it was something else.
And you write that you wrote to West-Wind with no answer. Did you follow the normal procedure, which is to post the question on the message board? Rick is well known for giving...
"Why do you feel the need to insult me?" Because someone always knows best, and always want to have the last word. That's the main reason why I have stopped posting on this forum.
That, and the huge number of trolls here. Forgive me, I mean people who hide behind a stupid alias instead of using...
I don't need any third person's assistance. My email address can be decoded from firstname(at)lastname(dot)no. And note, I'm bold enough to use my real name.
If that's not acceptable, and this message also gets deleted, I take the hint.
Yes, I and probably others as well, can assist you. But unless the administrators on this forum restores my earlier message, they show that they won't let us. And if that doesn't change, this will be my very last message on this forum.
Luckily for you, there are other FoxPro forums with fewer...
The censorship on this forum is just as bad as it was before I left it for several years. Unless my deleted message is restored, I'm out of here for good.
I guess this message will be deleted also....???
Looks like you need to move the form to the right, since the left border is outside the IDE.
Or run this command from the command window:
Move Window "Form Designer - xxx.scx" center
Replace xxx with the name of your form.
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