802.1Q support started in 12.0T. It is available on a 1710, 1751, or any 2600 or 3700 series. So if your lab is full of 2500s (as a lot of labs are) then you may need to stick with secondary addresses.
I believe Mike is correct on needing a FastEthernet interface to do dot1q subinterfaces...
You should be able to log into Voicemail as though you were checking messages. Then press 2 to send a message. When asked to spell the subscribers name, press 255. I don't know if that stands for "All" or 255 in the networking sense:) The system should then present "All Subscribers" as the...
I have followed instructions and successfully loaded CallManager 3.3(3) on non-Cisco Hardware. Now I try to log into the http://Call_Manager/ccmadmin page and put in the ccmadministrator account and use the password I used for every password question during the install and I'm not allowed in...
The first thing I would check would be the image in flash. From rommon, you can now use the tftpdnld command. No more xmodem!! Directions to do this are here:
Once you have a known good image in...
As the previous posts have stated, there are two ways to do this. Secondary interfaces and subinterfaces.
Secondary interface:
wybnormal's post is incorrect-If you add a secondary interface to a router, it must be in a different subnet. So a correct example would be:
interface serial 0
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