I have to use the template given to me by Management which is such:
Borrower name [ ] [ ] [ ]
Borrower Address [ ] [ ] [ ]
SSN [ ] [ ] [ ]
FICO/Date [ ] [ ] [ ]
After the text boxes (i.e. Borrower Name) there are 3 boxes per row to...
If there was a way to start the multiple columns 1.5" from the left margin so I could keep my text boxes and then use 1.75" wide with a 1" gap, the report would work but I'm not sure if it's possible.
The problem with using the multiple columns on the main report is with the text boxes in the page header which takes up 1.5" so I need the subreport set 1.5" from the left margin so the borrower information won't cover the text boxes. Setting 2" wide only allows me to see .5 inches of each...
It probably is the format to multiple columns in the subreport that is the problem.
I tried not using a subreport and I used the multiple columns on the main report but because the template in the Page Header contains text boxes on the left side to label the borrower's fields, the report then...
I am able to link the {table.borrowerID} and {table.RelaID} to the subreport, however, because the {table.PoolID} field is a Number I am not able to link it to the Group #1 name.
When I create a formula to change the field to a string and link that to the Group #1 name I get the same issue as...
The subreport is linked on all three groups. Pool ID and Rela ID are parameters set up in the Main Report and the subreport is linked to those parameters as well as the Borrower ID field is linked to the Group #3 Borrower name.
shared stringvar X := X +...
Hello again,
I am hoping that if I show how the report is set up now since I've made a few changes, maybe it will help to show what I am doing wrong:
Page Header a {@Page Reset}
Page Header b Template (Underlay is used)
Group Header #1 (Pool...
I only need to see expenses paid on the date the Pool was acquired and the last four months (from today's date).
If I were to change the inner and outer groups per your suggestion then I would get all of the months where expenses were incurred and only the months that had expenses.
I hope...
Using CR9 - I am trying to get expenses per month for a pool of NoteID's. I am working on a Subreport which is located in the main report's group header (Grouped by {table.as of date}. Here is how the subreport is setup now:
Group Header 1 {table.As of date}
Group Header 2 {table.expense paid...
Thanks LB, but I can not specify the state in a formula because the report will be run for different Pools and the states will vary from Pool to Pool. I had to group on State so the report will only list the states for a particular Pool. The example I referenced is just what I am using to test...
Using CR9...
I created a report that shows different states within a Pool of Note ID's. I am having a problem calculating the percentage since there can be more than one state per Note ID.
Here is what I need the report to show:
State #ofLoans $Balance %Balance
IL 4...
That's the strange part, I don't have the report formatted for a new page after any group so even when I put that formula in the section expert in the borrower group it just changes how the comment field acts on the report and doesn't include 3 borrowers per page. I don't have a new page format...
I think I figured out why they work for you and not me. My main report did not have the same group by borrower that the subreport did. Meaning the subreport and formulas were on a different group.
The problem with having that borrower group on the main report is then only one borrower prints...
Here is what the subreport looks like:
Report Header a
Report Header b
Group Header #1
Group Header #2 - {@sharedvar} group is by borrower ID
The main report -
Report Header
Page Header a - {@pagereset}
Page Header b - template
Group Header #1 - {@resetx}
Group Header #2 -...
Hey LB,
I needed a break from this report :-) I did solve the subreport not previewing but I am still working on displaying on 3 borrower comments per page. I have since moved the comment field into it's own subreport which is now located in the Page Footer on the Main Report.
I think the...
I just found another issue with this report. When I try to preview the subreport, the preview pane is blank and showing zero records which may perhaps be the cause of the comment field not showing???
It's strange that all the information on the subreport shows on the main report preview though.
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