Filemon gives the expected out i.e reads/sec and writes/sec for each of the physical devices. Cannot use filemon as it is an additional package that need to be separetly installed on AIX. Any other ways of getting this data from the kernal ?
Thanks for the information needed.
The netpmon, filemon and curt, i think doesnot come with the minimal AIX installation. They need to be installed as additional package, so i cannot use those.
iostat o/p
# iostat -d 2 2
Disks: % tm_act Kbps tps...
We need to get the number of reads/sec and writes/sec data from the AIX kernal for each of the disks. We are able to get the number of io/sec for each of the disks by reading data into dkstat (dk_xfers field of this structure gives io's/sec data) from the kernal. Can anyone help me out to...
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