we have written some BO reports that run quite happily in a client/server environment. Call report, parameter scren appears immediatetly, fill in params, run report. fine.
When we try and run the reports using WebIntelligence some of the reports are taking up to half a minute to load the...
I've got a report that once you feed ijn the parameters returns a load of information about people in the database all nicely formatted one page of info per person.
What I now need is a second report that returns just the names and addresses for the same people (all in one cell), to be...
There is a join table between the 'person' table and the 'committee' table, in here if the 'end' date is not null the person is still a member of this committee. FYI a person can/could have belong(ed) to multiple committees
Hopefully I've got a simple problem that has got a simple answer.
All I want to do (in simple terms) is to write a report that returns names of committee members, where the user can choose to report , all committee members or current committee members or previous committee members...
I've got a requirement to call call a BO reports from Oracle Forms. Basically the form needs to set up some parameters, call BO using the command line, run and print the report in background and return to forms.
As I'm new to BO so far I've managed to call and run the report from the command...
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