Can anyone help?
Here's the scripts in text form.
<script type="text/javascript">
var start = 30;
var timer = start;
function countdown(){
if(timer > 0){
document.test.x.value = timer;
timer -= 1;
I have this simple scripts here that i'm trying to incorporate into XML and I need a little help.
My xml pages:
My javascript file. What this javascript does is reset the page back to a homepage if idle on the set amount of time.
I know to call the javascript file from XML by the...
I tried what you said.
Placing time_reset() within kiosk_reset() function and calling kiosk_reset() function first from Eventlistener. This does not work.
Maybe I need to place a while loop somewhere on the Eventlistener itself? Anyhelp's appreciated.
I'm a little stump on this.
window.addEventListener("click", timer_reset, true);
timercount = 0;
// **** reset kiosk to initial startup state *********
function kiosk_reset() {
var site = document.getElementById("kioskDefaults").getString("uriReset");
//site = ""...
I have a little problems and was wondering anyone can help.
In my xml page:
onload="new_page('&base.uri;'), window_size();">
in my javascript file:
function window_size() {
height = screen.availHeight - 25;
width = screen.availWidth - 10;
//dump("*** WINDOW SIZE IS " +...
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