I don't know how to script serverside, if somebody would be so kind as to point me towards a tutorial, I would be able to build this script much better
it is being hosted on an intranet and doesn't need to be serverside, this is going to be used to generate reports that need to be accessible to everyone on the network, so the script needs to be clientside, built into the website we use to control the entire plant
My problem is that I am creating a web page that should query a MSSQL database table, and then after querying that table would take only one of the columns and put it into a drop down list form so that it could be chosen and plugged into a second script where it would be used to generate a...
this is the code I have so far, where do I pull the value from?
Function GetReportButton_onclick()
SET MMS = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
MMS.ConnectionString = "Provider=MSDASQL.1;Password=reports;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=reports;Data Source=Aberdeen...
well, my problem was that I was creating a web page that would query a MSSQL database table, and then after querying that table would take only one of the columns and put it into a drop down list form so that it could be chosen and plugged into a second script where it would be used to generate...
my call to CREATOBJECT works, and as you said Sheco, when you put in "something silly" it doesn't give any errors, so I think I am just putting the server name and stuff into the incorrect syntax, could somebody please help me know which is the correct syntax, again, the VB is Set dbsMMS =...
right now the only line giving me any real error is the Connectionstring line
MMS.ConnectionString = "PROVIDER=SQLOLEDB;DATA SOURCE=MMS;UID=abdreports;PWD=abdreports"
this is the connectstring in VB6 how would this translate into vbscript
Set dbsMMS = OpenDatabase("MMSDowntime", dbDriverNoPrompt, True, "ODBC;DSN=MMSDowntime;UID=*****;PWD=*****;")
I am trying to query a MSSQl database in my vbscript, could anybody tell me what I'm doing wrong, if anything other than just having the servername wrong
Function GetReportButton_onclick()
SET MMS = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
thank you, but I think i've figured it out, I just needed to move my function out of the head and into the body at the end, and then use Calendar.day, calendar.month, and claendar.year as the values
well, I fixed that problem, but now I have another, the variables I am trying to pass along to the URL aren't working, any ideas, here is the complete script I'm using
<title>Batter Usage Totals JScript</title>
<script type="text/vbscript">
// Declare Global Variables
well, the variable that I have declared has 173 characters, but it also has three sets of quotation marks inside of it (") so if I put it right into the window.open function, it edits out what is in those quotations, and I really need those because they plug in values from a form I have on the...
I am trying to make a new window pop up in VBScript I am using a open (mid(confunction, 1, 180)) function could sombeody please tell me why it isn't popping up the window and paramaters I am naming in the confunction function it opens a new window, but not the one I am requesting, if this...
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