Does it have something to do with being an indexed column? I was reading that auto_increment can only be applied to columns that are indexed, how would I go about doing that?
TNUMBER int,AMOUNT int,TYPE varchar,CATEGORY varchar,DATEOFT varchar
Those are the column names I'm using in my create statement. As soon as I add either identity or auto_increment to the TNUMBER column, it crashes.
Both of them cause errors even without NOT NULL. btw, I am using the int keyword as well, that shouldn't be a problem should it? It only works if I just use int, but never when I add identity or auto_increment.
I just realized that I'm going to need to create a table on my MS Access database inside my application. I have already been inserting and selecting from it successfully for weeks now, but I'm running into a problem when creating the table. Not to say that I can't create one at all, I can...
Thank you so much, that was it. It's weird, because I have some PHP code that runs some SQL against a mySQL database, and I didn't need to specify the columns even though I was using an autonumber column and didn't account for it in the INSERT statement. Anyways, it works, thanks a bunch!
Would I need to use SQL queries against a MS Access database in VB.NET. Right now I'm using
Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ=..\cfss.mdb
Which connects fine, and also I was able to successfully run a SELECT query on it, however I need to run INSERT statements, and mine just isn't...
I don't really follow. The next button is an object in the modal form, it doesn't trigger anything in the parent/original form. I don't get how the parent form will know when the user hits the "next" button in the child/modal form. Would I maybe want to create a function in a module?
So far I have a login and sign up section for this project I'm working on. I wanted to use a method that would pevent the user from opening multiple instances of the sign up and login forms. At first, I was thinking of loading the forms normally, and just running a check to see what MDI...
I'm using the Jet OLE components for making a database connection and adapter. After adding them, I successfully made a dataset from the "Data" menu. Then I bound my textboxes to the individual data columns. Now, my question is, I have a back and forward button, when I click on them, what do...
What is the best way to work with an MS Access database? So far I am using data adapters and data tables, but it doesn't seem efficient. There are a lot of times where I am comparing many tables, and even though everything is working smoothly, I just feel I could do better.
That, and what is...
Also, is there a different route you guys would use? Like using a dataset or something? I'm still fairly new to doing databases and, and the only thing I have available is this MSDE database, so I wasn't sure what other way I could access it other than through SQL queries.
Okay, I'm using VB.NET and SQL. Now, the accessing and updating of the database works fine. Now I'm trying to retrieve the data. So far I have:
sql_command.CommandText = "SELECT uid FROM userlist WHERE uname = ' " & txtUName.Text & " ' AND pword = ' " & txtPWord.Text & " '"...
Not sure how to edit or delete, but nevermind the original post. I figured it out:
Dim frm As New frmSignUp2
frm.MdiParent = Me.MdiParent
I have this project so far that is taking on the form of an MDI application. The first thing I want to tackle is signing up for access to the program. I want to do this over two forms. The first form has personal info, and when you hit next, if everything is successful, a userinfo table on my...
I'm not sure how to edit posts, or if I can, so I just wanted to say that I figured it out. I decided to use the SQL Query Analyzer in conjuction with SQL Server Enterprise Manager (I finally realized that "Indentity" was the option I needed). So it works, I am able to add multiple records...
Quick question. Everything is working btw, I have an application that successfully access and updates the database based on user input, but I can only add one person. Basically I'm using a Primary Key on a "uid" (user id) number, and I think I'm hitting the error because it's trying to add a...
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