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Search results for query: *

  1. joshbula

    Unable to read HTTP-POST data from Authorize.net Relay Response

    I know... I was just thinking that someone here might have experience with Authorize.net since they are a fairly popular service. I have posted this on their forums and sent two support e-mails but have had no response, other than to tell me to hire one of their "certified" developers. There...
  2. joshbula

    Unable to read HTTP-POST data from Authorize.net Relay Response

    I am using Authorize.net's Server Integration Method, trying to get relay_response to work where they do an HTTP POST to a page back on my server with information about the credit card transaction that just occurred so I can display a receipt and update the database. It is displaying the...
  3. joshbula

    Button with OnClick not submitting in IE8

    I figured it out... totally unrelated to any of this, but rather a small stupid mistake I made when I changed some other stuff. It validates the card expiration date server-side but the error message wasn't displaying.
  4. joshbula

    Button with OnClientClick Not Submitting in IE8

    I think I figured it out--stupid mistake I made when I changed the page to use a confirmation panel rather than submitting right from the panel with the credit card textboxes... Expired credit card dates were causing the server-side validation to prevent the submission but no error message was...
  5. joshbula

    Button with OnClick not submitting in IE8

    (note, I originally posted this in the ASP.NET forum, but haven't received any replies, so I'm trying here as well) Hello, I have two buttons, one is a submit button. When the submit button is clicked, both buttons disappear and a third button that is disabled with the text "Submitting..." is...
  6. joshbula

    Button with OnClientClick Not Submitting in IE8

    Hello, I have two buttons, one is a submit button. When the submit button is clicked, both buttons visibility = false and a third button that is disabled with the text "Submitting..." is displayed. It works fine almost all the time on almost all browsers, but for 1 user in about 200 people...
  7. joshbula

    Sorting Times stored as nvarchar

    Thanks to you both for the help, I ended up using the Case function. It wouldn't work in Order By because I'm joining two tables with a union, but it worked fine in the Select Statement as an alias, then I sorted by the alias name in the Order By and it's working perfectly. Thanks again! ..Josh
  8. joshbula

    Sorting Times stored as nvarchar

    Hello, In SQL Server 2005, I am working with a table that has a nvarchar column that stores times in the format "8:30 AM" as a string. I need to sort by the actual time, not just the characters, so for example "8:00 AM" needs to come before "12:00 PM." Unfortunately converting the field to a...
  9. joshbula

    Crystal Reports in VS2008 - Need Beginner's Tutorial

    I'm not a professional... like I said, I am a novice just learning this and just looking for a little guidance. That is why the title of this thread implies that I'm looking for a Tutorial, not for someone to do my work for me. I AM in the process of learning the principles of .net, and...
  10. joshbula

    Crystal Reports in VS2008 - Need Beginner's Tutorial

    Hi all, thanks for your help, but I am still really struggling with this. I have tried several tutorials but many leave out information they assume I already know but don't. I looked through the link from Turkbear above, but most of it went over my head and I wasn't really sure what I was...
  11. joshbula

    Listview Grouping with Header and Footer

    Thanks Jason, I understand the problems you pointed out, I'm just not sure I understand how to solve them. How do I group the data before binding it to the listview?
  12. joshbula

    Listview Grouping with Header and Footer

    Hello, I am using the following Listview: <asp:ListView ID="ListView1" runat="server" DataSourceID="sqlJudgeRatings"> <ItemTemplate> <b><%#EntryInfoGroup()%> </b> <td><font size="1px"><asp:Label ID="JudgeRatingLabel" runat="server" Text='<%#...
  13. joshbula

    Need advice- Automatic Scheduling App.

    Thanks Jason, this gives me a lot of good ideas. Thanks for the book recommendation also, I'll check it out. ...Josh
  14. joshbula

    Need advice- Automatic Scheduling App.

    Hello, I just need some general advice on where to start with this, and the general approach to take. I'm using Asp.Net with Visual Basic & Sql Server. I have Rooms and Performances. Each performance needs to be automatically scheduled into a Room. Each Room can only handle a performance...
  15. joshbula

    Crystal Reports in VS2008 - Need Beginner's Tutorial

    Hello, I'm looking for a tutorial for the Crystal Reports Viewer... I'm using Visual Studio 2008 to develop a VB.NET web app. I have a query in a TableAdaper in a DataSet. I have figured out how to create and layout a simple Crystal Report using that schema. How do I bind the DataSet query...
  16. joshbula

    Complicated DISTINCT query problem

    That works perfectly... thank you so much!!!! I think it makes sense to me now. I didn't realize it would need to be that complicated, but that makes sense. Thanks!
  17. joshbula

    Complicated DISTINCT query problem

    The query below returns a list of events. Some events have more than one student in them causing them to be duplicated for each student. Some events don't have any students in them, which is why I used the Left Outer joins. I need to modify it to only return one row for each event, as if the...
  18. joshbula

    String being converted to Integer, causing System.InvalidCastException

    That was the problem... the data types weren't correct in the DataSet. I didn't event think of that because the listview was working, but the listview was using an asp data source instead of the DataSet. Thanks! ...Josh
  19. joshbula

    String being converted to Integer, causing System.InvalidCastException

    The database is different, but I double-checked to make sure all the data types were correct. Also, she used two tables and I only need to use one, so I took out the function that added to her second table. I am able to successfully add data to the table with a ListView with no problems, so I...
  20. joshbula

    String being converted to Integer, causing System.InvalidCastException

    Hello, I am adapting this tutorial to my needs: http://www.shiningstar.net/ASPNet_Articles/DataSet/DataSetProject.aspx And I am receiving this error when it tries to take the Excel spreadsheet data and insert it into the SQL table: System.InvalidCastException: Conversion from string...

Part and Inventory Search
