Thanks RhythmAce. Now the system is working properlly. I had a DNS configuration problem, this is the reason why I trace the port 25 eith tcpdump and I could see the data flowing. I put the Debug level at 16 in Sendmail and I coud see that there was a TimeOut always that I tried to send or...
I'm trying to see a low level errors in my configuratión, but happend de next. if I put this line in my
The sendmail start as fallow:
Nov 19 12:54:13 localhost sendmail[3524]: starting daemon (8.12.8): SMTP+queueing@01:00:00
Nov 19 12:54:13...
I put this information in a message yestarday, but I can include the same informatión here.
The header is "Problem with Sendmail configuration!!!"
I think that must be a stupid mistake, the reason is that I'm new with this topic and this is why it is costing me a lot, anyway all the...
There is someone that configure sendmail before and can help me to discover my error. Please I spend few days and send mail still not work already.
I'm trying to configure a server mail in a PC that I installed redhat 9.0, Sendmail, POP and IMAP server come instaled by defauld. Well I try to configure reading some configurations notes in the internet (There are a lot!!!) I can send e-mails from and to my local accounts with the...
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