You would have to turn on the ExtendedStatus within the webserver and cycle the webserver. Open your browser and go to your website and append "/server-status". The "." will represent the number of available Apache processes until you reach the "MaxClients" setting. Make sure to apply an acl to...
You could use a Rewriterule to achieve this. In the virtualhost for "" put the below rewriterule and cycle the webserver.
RewriteRule ^/ [R=301,L]
WarpZero Technologies
What is the error message you see when you try the website without the index.php page? is it a 403, 500? If 500, try enabling / on the php4script as below:
Action application/php4script /
if the error message is a 403, make sure you do have the DirectoryIndex index.php listed and the webserver...
You will need to define a rewritemap which leverages the "int:tolower" function and call it within the rewriterule. The syntax below hasn't been tested and may need a little tweak.
RewriteMap lowercase int:tolower
RewriteRule ^(domain)/?([a-zA-Z0-9_]*/?$...
You will to make sure that you have the correct path for "ps". Do a "which ps" and that will confirm the path. Do the same for the other 3 commands. From their update the script and retry.
WarpZero Technologies
You are referencing the wrong interface (inside) as the network is routed via the "outside" interface.
ping outside
WarpZero Technologies
In looking at your logs it appears as if the file doesn't exist or doesn't have the proper permission (user / filesystem) for the web log reports a "404". I would double check the file location against user permission to ensure the webserver has access to read / serve the file.
Will "flux_capacitor_" always be at the beginning of the URI? If so, try the following:
RewriteRule ^/flux_capacitor_([0-9]+)\.html$$1 [R]
WarpZero Technologies
By reading the above I interpret that your Linksys network is connected to the "inside" interface of the pix not the dmz. When adding routes you have to specify the next hop not the local address of the device. Try the following:
route inside
To enter the range go into the object group in question and perform the following:
WarpZero Technologies
I have used an utility called "TTCP" for linux/unix and "pcattcp.exe" for windows. This tool will work in UDP/TCP mode. The data generated is random data generated by the tool and will be sent at wire rate. Make sure that you aren't running this tool during your primte time as you can conjest...
You will have to specifiy which zones will be transfered to your alternate DNS (within the named.boot) and if you are doing zone transfer security (recommended), you will have to allow that other DNS server access for zone transfers.
The WAN connection should be your connection from your high speed (ie: internet connection, rogers, bell, etc). Your computers would then connect into the LAN ports on the router. The LAN ports are usually 4 ports side by side which will then allow you to connect your home computers. For the...
Are you using Virtual Hosts for your configuration or did you just specify a "Listen 443" directive? Is your "443" configuration to leverage the same document root as the port 80 traffic? The "403" indicates that the directory you are trying to access is not allowed as such you may have to...
have you tried to setup a firewall policy as such:
source: wan, ip: *
destination: lan, ip: *
protocol: icmp, port: 8
This would allow ICMP echo and the reply through the firewall. This is to try anyone from your live network to any ip behind the test router.
The other possibly is...
Add another "and" clause for the site you want to disable this policy for. For every subsequent site use the or clause.
1) 1 specific hosts not to receive the alternate image
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} .
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^http://(www\.)?mydomain\.com [NC]...
One thing that I have over looked was the floating VIP address as it was not added to the circuit. Add the below to the circuit.
circuit VLAN1
ip address
ip virtual-router 1 priority 200 preempt
ip redundant-vip 1
First I would recommend that you do not run the CSS in a bridged configuration as there are performance problems amongst failover issues and other bugs found while.
Second, I would recommend having the servers on a different subnet then that of the Virtual IP. Reason being that the servers will...
>Is it possible to have sendmail only send email (not receive email)?
Yes. If you shutdown the sendmail daemon the system will still process e-mail out to the internet. Be aware that if you are having ISP/internet connectivity issues then your e-mail will queue as the daemon is no longer...
Within the "/etc/mail/access" (or wherever your access file is stored) do you have: RELAY
localhost.localdomain RELAY
localhost RELAY
If not, this could be causing your issue. Add the above and and update the "access" file by...
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