When I try to view or change a extension i MP I get the following error code:
Operatio failed for:
extension number:14354 Reason : Internal error Message: For more information see Manager Telephony System event log
The problem is that Manager TS do not start...
Any solution?
Can someone please advice how to use ip_domain with parameter area code and emenum?
I try to set a-party number and area code sent in emergency calls, and ADC26=1 in ROODI, but this do not work.
And advice?
Can someone please tell me which port number (TCP-UDP)that need to be open in firewalls on H.323 IP-trunk?
Site 1: ASU-E with LSU-E and IPLU
Site 2: ASU-E with MGU
what is the different between short and long signalling format?
Mx-One 4.1 sp3
Will cards work fine in short mode?
What decides if card is short/long?
Which port numer UDP-TCP and protocols are in use when IP phone is connected to a Mx-One?
And which UDP -TCP ports and protocols are in use when2 Mx-One are in one system. (old GJUL-GJUL)
After upgrade from TSW sp2 to Sp3 ringing tone to A-party is missing when ext. is in parallell ringing list and MDIR or SDIR is a remote ext. Anybody experience the same fault?
Calling party do not hear ringing burst, but ext is ringing.
Trace2strap script
- Used to convert ISDN traces from MX-One prinout format to MD format to be able to
decode them with the STI tool
- Syntax: perl trace2strap.pl Filename1 > Filename2
Anybody know where to find this script?
When Christmas starts my boss what to send all calls to our pabx to other public line (cell Phone). How can I do that? There is no problem to program this change?
BC12 sp8
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