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Search results for query: *

  1. cschristian78

    Tab Control Question

    I have 3-tab tab control with a variety of combo boxes and a datagrid. When the user selects a different tab, I need the same combo box, datagrid, etc to remain on the next tab. The only thing changing is the datasource behind my dataset. The weird things is that the form was working...
  2. cschristian78

    DataGrid - DataGridTableStyle???

    I have about 10 queries that I run based on what the user selects in a listbox. Those 10 queries can be put into 1 of 3 catagories: LP1, LP2 and LP3. Each catagory has a different number of columns. For example, I run a query that is in cat LP1 which may have 4 columns. I then select another...
  3. cschristian78

    Prevent Duplication within a dataset

    That seems to work fine - thanks. The problem I am having now is how to allow two combo boxes that have the same datasource be able to choose different rows of that dataset. For example, I have a dataset called dsResults and I fill the datatable "dtLP" with the select statement below. I...
  4. cschristian78

    Prevent Duplication within a dataset

    I have a group of results in a sql database (in one table named [zz_Results Master]. This table has mulitple colums - in particular [Set] and [Type]. The set is a user defined name that describes a set of sql queries. The type describes what type of queries were run. So for example, I will...
  5. cschristian78

    Resetting Connection String

    Sounds good. Have a good night and we'll talk to you tomorrow. Scott
  6. cschristian78

    Resetting Connection String

    I guess I could use one connection and then specify the database. but if the database is on a different instance of SQL Server, I wont be able to use one connection. By setting up a connection for each, I then don't have to worry about changing my queries. Am I off target here?
  7. cschristian78

    Resetting Connection String

    I would like the user to specify a number of things: 1. SQL servername locally or across a network 2. Select a database that is attached to that server. 3. Export to Excel from the results database. So the flow of the program is this: Use the master database on a specifyed server and...
  8. cschristian78

    Resetting Connection String

    The connection is initiated on a vb.file that contains all of my connections to specific databases (see below). I will move the master connection as this is the only place within the program I will need it. That being said, what is the best way of setting a connection globally so that I do not...
  9. cschristian78

    Resetting Connection String

    I am having trouble resetting the connection string to my master server. I have a dialog box that defaults the server and database to local and sa respectively. When the user selects refresh, I populate all the of the attached databases and display them in a combo box. The problem is that when...
  10. cschristian78

    SQL Server Login

    Thanks for the reply. I understand and have what you described working (but only for local installations). My question comes in when running a query selecting all of the available servers. For example, when clicking the dropdown on the service manager, it shows all servers that are availabe...
  11. cschristian78

    SQL Server Login

    I am building an application that requries the user to login to one specified instanct of sql server. I am using VB.net to create the application. What I want to have is a login that allows the user to select one of many possible instances of sql server on his/her machine or across a network...
  12. cschristian78

    Case Statement

    Is it possible to have the follow? (CASE when [AcctTIV] = 0 or case when [BLANLIMAMT] = 0 THEN 0 ELSE [StateTIV]/[AcctTIV]*[BLANLIMAMT] END) AS ProRata Or is this the only way? (CASE when [AcctTIV] = 0 THEN case when [BLANLIMAMT] = 0 THEN 0 ELSE [StateTIV]/[AcctTIV]*[BLANLIMAMT] END...
  13. cschristian78

    SQL Efficiency

    Denny, Thanks for the reply. I'll make that change to the query. The query takes about 30 minutes to run...I wanted to reduce the time it took if possible. The problem I have is that the query listed above is one of about 7 queries that do the same thing. For example, I count the number of...
  14. cschristian78

    SQL Efficiency

    I am converting a Access database into VB.Net and when writing the SQL, I have queries based on queries based on more queries. (Below is an example). What is the best way to increase efficiency when using nested queries? Esp. ones that I use often. Query 1 (__Accounts) SELECT...
  15. cschristian78

    Running SQL Queries using Code Files

    GOT IT! It was the for "ds" at the beginning of the code below. dsSetDesc.Tables("SetDesc").Rows(ndx).Item(1) = the set location. Makes sense to remove the "ds" when passing the SetDesc as the argument. The code that works is as follows: Sub: Public Sub CADOIZones(ByVal SETDESC As...
  16. cschristian78

    Running SQL Queries using Code Files

    Rick, Unfortunately, we are not having much luck. I am not even getting to the break. Let me describe what I have where and maybe we'll come across something. In the frmAnalysisOptions form, I declare the dataset as follows: '//OPEN SETDESC TABLE Dim dsSetDesc As New DataSet()...
  17. cschristian78

    Running SQL Queries using Code Files

    It doesn't give me that option. It goes right into the Error. I have gone into the exceptions dialog box and made sure all exceptions were using the parent but I am unable to see the option to break or continue. Thanks, Scott
  18. cschristian78

    Running SQL Queries using Code Files

    When I put my cursor over the (dsSetDesc) part of CADOIZones(dsSetDesc) it says it is equal to {system.data.dataset}. I get the error when trying to run the sub. Below is where it quits. Public Sub CADOIZones(ByVal SetDesc As Data.DataSet). It runs for a second and then throws the...
  19. cschristian78

    Running SQL Queries using Code Files

    Here is the sub, which is on a code file Line 308 Public Sub CADOIZones(ByVal SetDesc As Data.DataSet) Dim strCADOIZones As String = "INSERT INTO [zz_Results Master] (Name3, Risks, TIV, [Set], Type, [Index], Peril) " & _ "SELECT Profdata.dbo.Cresta([Cresta])AS [CA DOI Zone]...
  20. cschristian78

    Running SQL Queries using Code Files

    Here is the rest of the error: at Project1.sqlcode.cadoizones(DataSet SetDesc) in C:Path...SQLCode.vb:line308 at Project1.frmAnalysisOptions.cmdRun_Click(Object eventSender, EventArgs eventArgs) in C:Path...frmAnalysisOptions.vb:line1144

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