I want to include a question in a form which has multiple responses.
For eg.
Q11. Which of the following colors do you like ( check all that apply)
1. Red
2. Blue
3. White
4. Green
What property (combo, option, option group) can I use for this? . I tried most of them, but they...
I have an issue with navigating through various items in a form.
Right now I can move from one box to another by pressing either
1. Enter
2. Tab
3. UP Arrow ( backward movement)
4. Down Arrow ( forward movement)
However I want to move from one box to next only when I press enter or tab. Can...
Is it possible to control the navigation between the various entities in a form .. for eg I have
Combobox 1
Combobox 2
Combobox 3
If value of "combobox 1" is say 2 then go to "combobox 2" or else go to combobox 3..
Thnx in advance
thnx mph1,, I added a command button .. made it easier..
But when I press enter,, it is not going to the next field.I am forced to press TAB for moving to the next record..
Is there anything that I can do so that when I press enter it goes to the next step..
Thnx in advance
I am populating a database using a form. Is there any way I can save the details automatically after each record at the end of the form before starting to input the next record.
Thnx Aceman,,
I am populating a table in Access using a frorm. Say for example,, I have a column named "PURPOSE OF TRIP"
the possible entries are 1, 2, 3, or 4 where the numbers correspond to work, school, shopping, other. I am using a combo box in the form for this application. Now if the...
hi aceman,,
I have changed my application a bit..
I have a combo box in a form with the following options.
Work, School,Shopping, and Other
The associated id's are 1, 2, 3, and 4
If the user selects work, 1 will be stored in the database
if he selects 2 school will be stored
Now if he...
I am creating a form with an option group with the following
work -1
school -2
shopping -3
other -4
If user selects 4, I want to input the text he is typing into the table or else input the number .
Plzz help on how to do this
Sorry for the misunderstanding!!
I am trying to traverse through my column values by using an index. Say for ex. I have a column called demand having demand at various periods( say 100)..
Can I index each demand with the period using a counter in a loop?
Can I use arrays to specify elements fo a column in VBA
say for eg.,
Dim Counter As Integer
and can I use
to indicate the first value in my Store Column?
Is there any other way to do this?
What I am trying to do is, Go to a particular record, ( by using rst.Filter=strSQL) do some calculations and then go to the next record.
when I was using FIND instead of FILTER , i was using the code
rst.Find strSQL,1,adSearchForward
How will I traverse from one record to next when I use...
hi PHV,, It worked,, but I had another statement in my coding.
rst.Find strSQL,1,adSearchForward
when I replaced it with
its giving me an error.. Any idea how to go about !!!!!!!!!
This is my code
Dim strSQL As String
strSQL = "Store='Store1' AND Product='HardDrive'"
rst.Find strSQL
However when it comes to rst I am getting the following error
" Arguments are of wrong type, are out of acceptable range or are in conflict with each other"
Both Store and Product are in...
Can I declare an SQL statement in a string declared as "strSQL" like this
strSQL= "Store='Store1'AND Product='HardDrive'"
I want to go to that location for which store is Store1 and Product = HardDrive. However its giving some error.
I have an access table with just one column having numbers
1 2 3 4 5 ...
Can I create another column with numbers 1,3,6,10,....( ie. Sum of numbers ) using query or any other method..
It should look like this
1 1
2 3
3 6
4 10
5 15
6 21
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