Hey Guys-
Let me give you some background. I live in a very small community of about 20-25 households. I can get a very high speed line for around 400 a month. Idealy I would like to be able to provide access to these 20-25 households via wireless, while charging a fairly minimal pricetag...
Hey guys, i was wondering if anyone knows any way to make server 2000/2003 and Remote Installation Services Boot to anything other than a fresh install of like xp or 2003/3 or linux for that matter.
I don't want to install a new O/S but I want to be able to run a 16bit app in dos that we use...
Hey guys/gals,
I have database we use for financial tracking. I have the following query below. With some help from the forums I have created this query. What was a problem was that there are two tables, tracking (where mostly everything is held) and releases. I had a problem with the table...
ok well lets say I did want to do it that way, how can I fix it?
This is mostly because I like the way it would work and because I don't know how to apply your code. I get a runtime error 7951 that say I entered an expressio taht has an invalid reference to the recordsetclone property
Hey guys, I have a form, and a command button. The command button opens the standard find dialog box. I want it to go to the first record, and then it searches the last name record field in the form, and when it finds it go to that form record (I don't want it to go to the actual db, I want it...
That cleared up the error, but there are still numbers instead of text......any ideas?
Also, sorry to be such a pain in the ass....
SELECT [tracking].[LastName] AS Name, [tracking].[date] AS Day, [tracking].[hrs1] AS Hours, [tracking].[task1seg] AS Segment, [tracking].[release1] AS Release...
I'm not sure I understand PHV, the release1 field is a string, and the ID/Primary Key of the Releases Table is a number. So what You're saying is that this can't be done?
How then would I tell the query this then....
Query Runs --> Pulls out needed info including releases --> Has #...
HEY PHV, thanks for your help so far.....I appreciate it very much. I've used the following code and I get "Type Mismatch In Expression", do you have any shots as to why?
SELECT [tracking].[LastName] AS Name, [tracking].[date] AS Day, [tracking].[hrs1] AS Hours, [tracking].[task1seg]...
SELECT [tracking].[LastName] AS Name, [tracking].[date] AS Day, [tracking].[hrs1] AS Hours, [tracking].[task1seg] AS Segment, [tracking].[release1] AS Release
FROM tracking
WHERE ((GetLastUserNameEmployeeAct()=tracking.LastName) AND tracking.hrs1 <>0 )
UNION ALL SELECT [tracking].[LastName] AS...
Hey guys, I have a existing DB which tracks our hardware releases. We have a table that has two columns, releases and primary key. We have a form in which the user inputs the release for the project he/she is working on. I noticed that when they select the release and the information is...
Hey guys,
I have a form that has an employee name, and they can enter up to six tasks that they did during the day...the query is as follows....
SELECT [tracking].[LastName] AS Name, [tracking].[date] AS Day, [tracking].[hrs1] AS Hours, [tracking].[task1seg] AS Segment
FROM tracking
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