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  • Users: bebig
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  1. bebig

    Files with spaces

    Yes...I did not want to see the files with spaces.. So...I think vladk's idea was good... But it was difficult to change my current code using your idea... So, Instead of not showing the files with spaces, I use that way.. Thank you for all your help
  2. bebig

    Files with spaces

    This works for me.. Private Sub File1_Click() If (InStr(1, File1.FileName, " ", vbTextCompare) <> 0) Then File1.Selected(File1.ListIndex) = False End If End sub
  3. bebig

    Files with spaces

    oh..ic...thank you
  4. bebig

    Files with spaces

    This is what I wrote.. If InStr(1, "*.html", " ", vbBinaryCompare) = 0 Then File1.Pattern = "*.tcl;*.htm;*.html;*.jpeg;*.gif;*.swf;*.txt;*.pdf;*.css;*.xml;*.png;*.tar;*.tgz" End If well I tried this way..but it did not work..so..
  5. bebig

    Files with spaces

    File1.Pattern = "*.tcl;*.htm;*.html;*.jpeg;*.gif;*.swf;*.txt;*.pdf;*.css;*.xml;*.png;*.tar;*.tgz" I have more than one file. how to apply your idea on it?
  6. bebig

    Files with spaces

    Yes...that's what I am trying. If the file name has " ", skip the file in the upload..
  7. bebig

    Files with spaces

    Private Sub Form_Load() If Me.csvUpload Then File1.Pattern = "*.csv" Me.Caption = "CSV File Upload" Else File1.Pattern = "*.tcl;*.htm;*.html;*.jpeg;*.gif;*.swf;*.txt;*.pdf;*.css;*.xml;*.png;*.tar;*.tgz" End If End Sub In this code, it takes only those files as...
  8. bebig

    Files with spaces

    Is there any ways to prevent files with spaces when it is filtering files? Thank you in advance
  9. bebig

    Find String

    Well, I tried it..but I could not get it. I am not sure how to take each character as a whole string. When I check textbox, it still gets one by one. If I take it as a whole string, I can use MID function to get exact string. Would you please tell me how to get a whole string, not each...
  10. bebig

    Find String

    can I use those ways when a string take one by one?
  11. bebig

    Find String

    Hi, I am searching specific string. String looks like ------ date -s "03/01/2005 12:13:03"Tue Mar 1 12:13:03 PST 2005bash# ------ To get string, FTPUpload.Text1.SelText = Chr$(CH) To get string, it takes one by one on FTPUpload.Text1.Text. For example, d a t e -s ....... b a s h # So...
  12. bebig

    Date and Time Validation

    Thank you.
  13. bebig

    Date and Time Validation

    Hi, I am trying to write Date and Time Validation This is Date and Time format-based local computer. Text2.Text = Format(Now, "mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss") if I want to type date and time manually on Text2.Text. How to validate Date and Time? Thank you in advance.
  14. bebig


    hi, I have a question about commonDialog when I select one file, CommonDialog1.FileName shows ..........\Ver2.0\one.html But, when I select two files, CommonDialog1.FileName shows ..........\Ver2.0rtwo.htmlrone.html Would you please tell me why it looks different?? Thank you in advance...
  15. bebig

    commondialog, select multiple files

    hi, I am trying to make conversion program. This is what I have so far. 1. I can convert one file 2. I can select more than one file. 3. but, when I convert more than one file, error occurs. I do not know how to convert mutiple files. Would you please help me...
  16. bebig

    multiple file selection

    I am still trying to take each file of the selected mutiple files from commondialog1. Please help me, how to get each file?? Thank you in advance.
  17. bebig

    multiple file selection

    when I select mutiple files, I cannot convert those files into TCL. So, My Questino is If I select more than one files, how to catch each file and convert those sequencially (But when I select one file, it converts.) For example, 1. select a.htm, b.htm, c.htm, d.htm 2. convert a.htm first 3...
  18. bebig

    multiple file selection

    Hi, I am trying to select multiple files on CommonDilog, then convert it into .tcl. My code can select one file then it converts into .tcl file and also can choose mutiple files. But the problem is when I convert those into tcl files, it does not work. Would you please help me how I can solve...
  19. bebig

    how to get password from IP address

    Yes...that is true. But, onece I type IP address, user, password, I want to put those into registry. Then when I re-open the page, I will pick up IP address from txtIP comboBox, at the same time, I want to see Password which is getting from registry on txtPass.Text area. Would you please help...
  20. bebig

    how to get password from IP address

    hi, I am trying to get password from IP address so...this is the steps what I want to do.. First, I am trying to put IP addresses from registry into txtIP comboBox. Second, When I find IP address from txtIP, then it finds automatically password. Third. If I type new IP address, it has to be...

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