I have a piece of FEA code that came with an old text book I bought that I cannot get to compile. I wrote codes in Fortran 90/95 in college but I have never used Fortran 77. If someone can please help me get this to compile. I have attached the code and the input file that it reads...
I need some help with a Fortran read statment. I have some files that I need to read data in from, the problem is that I need to read the data from left to right. I first tryied to do a read like this
READ(unit,100) x(i), x(i+1), x(i+2),........
The problem is that there is not the same amount...
How can I write a read statment that if the user hits enter without entering a new value it will use a defalt value. Here is basically what I think it should be but it does not work. I know it can be done because my Prof. is requiring it on a project.
default = 5.
WRITE(*,*)"enter angle of...
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