I need to take the following code and add a text field for an email address. I need to add a feature to the validate function that verifies that the email address is at least 5 characters and that it contains @ symbol.
<title>Form Example</title>
<Script language="JavaScript"...
I need to take the following script and change the validate function so that after a messsage is displayed indicating that a field is wrong, the cursor is moved to that field.
<title>Form Example</title>
<Script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
function validate() {...
All I know is that I need to assign a separate specific code to the browser variable for 3.x version of IE or Netscape. I think that I need to jsut add this to include the versions 3.x.
I need to take the following script and modify it to assign a separate specific code to the browser variable for 3.x version of IE or Netscape.
<title>Browser Detection</title>
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
//check for 5.0 or later browsers
Help! I have added two frames to my page, and I need the frame 1 (the smallest one on the left) to open the links that I have included in the frame 2 window. How do I do that? The links all work, they just open in the frame 1 and that is way too small to have that info.
I need to take the following code and create a variable named num and assign its value a random integer between 0 and 9> I need to use the Math object's round ()and random () methods in tandem to accomplish this task. The random number must be multiplied by 9. I need to use the round ()...
I need to modify the follwing script to display a default welcome message in the status line where ever a description isn't being displayed.
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
function describe (text) {
return true;
function clearstatus(){...
I need to take the following script and modify it to include a reload button along with the back and forward buttons.
<a href="javascript:history.back();">
<img border = 0 SRC="left.gif">
<a href="javascript:history.forward();">
<img border = 0 src="right.gif">
Then, in a separate...
I need to add a location.href statement and a conditional
assignment operator to the code so that three correct answers will send the user to a "congratulations" page. If users answer fewer than three questions correctly, send them to a "better luck next time" page.
I need to take the following script and open a new window using the address: http://www.ciwcertified.com.
function newWindow() {
Okay, now I need to take the following script and prompt the user for the number of random numbers to generate.
<head><title>Math Example</title>
<h1>Math Example</h1>
<script LANGUAGE="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
total = 0;
for (i-1; i<=5000; i++){...
When I open the page in the browser, it comes back with an error on line 11, stating that i is undefined. Any ideas what I did wrong?
Thanks for your help
I need to take the following script and prompt the user for the number of random numbers to generate. I also need to make the random number script run three times, calculating a total of 15,000 randon numbers and display separae total for each set of 5,000.
I have a script that I need to have code set to only allow 10 names. What do I need to add to this script?
<title>Loops Example</title>
<h1>Loop Example</h1>
<Script LANGUAGE="JavaScript1.2" type="text/javascript1.2">
names = new Array();
do {...
I need to loop the names entered and have them to list alphabetically and I cannot figure out how. Can anyone helo me? Here is my script:
<title>Loops Example</title>
<h1>Loop Example</h1>
<Script LANGUAGE="JavaScript1.2" type="text/javascript1.2">
names = new...
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