thanks damber and sheco!
i'll try to implement your recommended solutions...
hopefully, i'll be able to do everything correctly... or else... you'll hear from me again... ;D
i've read the thread... thanks!
anyways, i have a few more questions -- we are thinking of creating a "lock procedure" ...this lock procedure will be called every time that an existing request is opened... it will basically check if a record is checked-out to someone... if it's not...
Is it possible to implement a 'Check-in/Check-out' or 'Form Locking' Functionality in an application that is using classical ASP and SQL? Basically, what needs to be done is that if an existing request form is being edited by one user, no other user should be able to edit the same...
I am getting the following error message --
Server object error 'ASP 0177 : 800a8019'
Server.CreateObject Failed
/includes/incRetrieveCookie.asp, line 7
Line 7 points to the following code --
Set oStateMgtSvc = server.CreateObject("SD_ICBAM.CStateMgtSvc")
We have already...
if for example i use "nolock" in my transaction query (say query1)... then query1 will not block other transactions that may come after it (i.e. running query 1 will not lock any data)... is that correct?
thanks so much,
yale :)
how do i resolve blocking issues? is there something that i could place in a sql script for it to avoid causing the blocking of transactions?
i have a follow-up question... how do i resolve the blocking issue? is there something that i could place in the sql script that is causing the blocking of transactions?
thanks again!
hi zhavic,
"mytable" is a table... anyways, good news -- we've already found-out what is causing the issue... you are correct... all transactions are being blocked by another running transaction... we were able to determine this using sp_who2...
help!!! how come a simple "select top 1 * from mytable" times-out when the statement is supposed to just display a single row? how do i solve this?
<script language="VBScript">
Function validateForm()
dim origURL
origURL = Trim(document.frmURLinfo.txtSourceURL.value)
document.frmURLinfo.txtgeneratedURL.value = --> i want this field's value to be the url encoded value of origURL... how do i do that? "server.URLEncode(origURL)" does not...
yes... as i've said... the same piece of code (with the same user id and same password) achieves different results in different servers... mapping is successful in server 1... mapping fails in server 2... :(
Any reason why the same piece of code that maps a folder in another server WORKS in one environment/server and FAILS in another environment/server?
Sample code:
dim oNet
Set oNet = Server.CreateObject("WScript.Network")
oNet.MapNetworkDrive "R:", "\\nbwtr12pu\folder", False, "thisistheID"...
ok... how come the same piece of code on different servers have different results? on one server, no error occurs... on the other server, that error happens... :S
thanks again,
I'd like to know... What are the possible causes of the following error?
VBScript runtime Error Number: -2146827850 Description: Object doesn't support this property or method: 'Exec'
Any input would be greatly appreciated...
***how do i solve the following error?:
TrackingID=68F9A4C263FEF8A8 764.SD_ICBAM V1.0.90.CDatabaseSvc.ExecuteQueryEx.0> error '80040e31'
Timeout expired (0) Timeout expired vsSQLStatement=sp_approveContentReport_KCNet
/ProcessRequests.asp, line 140
***line 140 refers to the following...
i modified my code and conducted some testing... removing the msgbox and going directly to the method worked... the pop-up blocker was not able to block the new window... ;D
ey, i did some testing... i have a yahoo pop-up blocker... yahoo blocks the new window which should be opened after i click on the OK button in my message box... i am using method for the action of the OK button...
anyways, somebody told me that i can customize the msgbox OK...
yes, i'm talking about a browser window... is inside a function that displays a msgbox with "OK" and "CANCEL" buttons... once the user clicks on "OK".... a new window should be opened... btw,i don't wanna use because windows that are opened using this method are...
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