I tried the command you had mentioned above ..but it didnt return any data..
do i have to specifically assign $1 to column1 and so on or does awk do it automatically,,...
i have never used awk command before and have done only a couple of basic scripts..please let me know if any...
i have an input file with the following:
A 1 0000 0187 PRX03
A 2 0188 0266 PRX03
A 3 0267 0439 PRX03
A 4 0440 0684 PRX03
B 1 0685 0749 PRX03
B 2 0750 0832 PRX03
B 3 0833 1029 PRX03
B 4 1030 1121 PRX03
i want to create the output lookup file like:
range splitstage
0000 A1
0001 A1
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