I need to create a invoice report that the has table like qualities.
Date Description Amount
the fields would go under the respective headings but the customer wants it to look like a box is drawn around it. Now I can create the detail portion and all the items come into...
I thought that it may be the case so I set the ip on the 175x print server to a static IP and it is outside of the range of ips assigned by the network.
I have a issue with this setup.
clj 3500 series printer, hp175x print server and a linksys wireless bridge.
Now sometimes the prints will come out right away, other times the jobs will get printed in the middle of the night. Then they will not print at all. I have unplugged the network cable...
Both good suggestions but I have no control of the fields, the program creates the audit log and this is the data that is put in it. As for the max and min it seems to work even on the varchar field.
I need to find the total login in time for each user by date. Here is a list of the data fields
CREATE TABLE ae_audit(
usrid INTEGER,
wsname VARCHAR(250),
tsstamp VARCHAR(20),
Just installed a new 2003 server. Installed dns and AD the clients can browse the internet but when they try to go to thier website that is hosted outside the company it can not resolve the name.
Do I need a A host record for the website with the ip address.
Also if our pop3 email is host...
Thanks for the suggestion. I want to fill the grid with columns based on the number of fields in my recordset.
If I have 5 fields in my recordset I want 5 columns to fill the grid.
I want to make the dbgrid the width of my form for readability sake. I am filling the grid with a recordset but I want the columns to take up the whole size of the grid.
If there are only 2 fields in the recordset then the 2 columns would be large. etc...
What is the best way to program this...
crystal 8.5
sql server 2000
customerid ticketid amount NTA
12 1234 30.00 0
12 1235 30.00 -1
The nta field on my report is string based. I need to have it there because it will dictate whether a textbox is displayed or not.
I need to suppress the detail line for data that has a -1 in a database field (NTA). This I figured out how to do.
I also do not want the value in the amt field to be added to a sum field. I am not sure how to handle this. It seems to run the total even though the field has been suppressed...
Thanks for the help. I figured out my problem.
I was calling my report like this:
Set crRep = crappl.OpenReport("c:\temp\gpd1.rpt")
crrep is set to "Dim crRep As New CRAXDDRT.Report"
So to get the code to work I needed to use crrep instead of the actual viewer crviewer1.
Thanks for you help
Here is the code that was suggested. I am using the viewer code from 8.5 and vb6 but it errors on the printersetup method.
My viewer control is crviewer1, I do not get the method printersetup when I use the "."
Private Sub CRViewer_PrintButtonClicked(UseDefault As Boolean)...
What do I need to do in order to get a printer selection when I do a print preview of a Crystal 8.5 report.
I have several printers setup on my laptop but only one printer can be used when I want to print.
Crystal 8.5 vb6
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