Right im getting there, ive now sorted out the doubling up on inputs problem by putting the following in viewcart.asp:
<input size=2 maxlength=5 name="item<%=counter%>" value="<%=rs("quantity")%>">
Well, ive been playing about with the above code but it now just freezes completley whenever I try to update the shopping cart, even if I only have one item in there. Does anyone have any ideas?
Ignore my last post, ive found where I need to put it. But when I try to update the quantities box it freezes the browser and eventually displays:
Error Type:
Active Server Pages, ASP 0113 (0x80004005)
The maximum amount of time for a script to execute was exceeded. You can change this limit by...
when i put the above code in I get the following:
Error Type:
Exception occurred.
/asp/qtyupd.asp, line 25
Im not sure where abouts I need to put your code (the counter = 1 code) is it in the first bit of code I pasted or the second?, does it replace something thats already in...
ok, so instead of using:
<input size=2 maxlength=5 name="item" value="<%=rs("quantity")%>">
I need to use:
<input size=2 maxlength=5 name="item<%=counter%> value="<%=rs("quantity")%>">
Is that right? Also how do I add counting logic into the asp code? Ive never really used asp before but...
Ive just moved into a new job & have been asked to modify a asp shopping cart site. I asked a few questions in the ASP part of this site & got some good advice, but the following post has left me a bit stumped as I only have some very basic html knowledge. Below is what another user has...
to be honest im not sure why there are 2 inputs with the same name. Im picking this site up from where my (more experienced)predecessor left it so Im fairly new to both HTML, ASP & Java In this thread: http://www.tek-tips.com/viewthread.cfm?qid=931335 I was helped along & managed to get rid of...
Heres the code I modified, sorry about the questions but im fairly new to asp & learning as I go.
Response.Cookies("modified") = "true"
queries = 0
Set conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Conn.Open ("driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ=" &...
I am making an ASP shopping cart site and Ive used data valadation to check that valid quantities are in an "update quantities" input box. But when I hit the update quantities button I get:
Error Type:
Microsoft VBScript runtime (0x800A000D)
Type mismatch: '[string: "1, 2"]'...
Thanks for your advise, when I change that line I get the error:
Error Type:
Microsoft VBScript runtime (0x800A000D)
Type mismatch: '[string: "1, 2"]'
/asp/qtyupd.asp, line 21
Ive pasted the code to the stated file qtyupd.asp incase you can see anything I need to change in there:
Hi there,
Iv recently started a new job & have been asked to ammened a website the person who used to work here had made. It's a small company site with a shopping cart system. There are a few problems that I need to address but ive know idea how as I only have a basic understanding of HTML &...
newquantity = Request.QueryString("item")
I can update the quantity using positive numbers, and I cant update when I put a letter or a minus number in. Which is what I want, the only problem with it now is that if I add more than one item to the cart & try to...
Ok, ive nearly got it! It now gives an error when I enter a negative number or a letter in the quantities box, which is correct. But when I put a valid entry in, ie a positive number, it empties the cart. This is the code im using:
var justValidating = true
function validateForm(f){
var val =...
So for example, if I swap the word "Item" with "Qty" & replace every example of the word item in my code with the word qty? That should work? I'll give it a try.....
using the cint line I get the following when I enter an invalid quantity, ie a letter (a valid works fine, also minus quantities work when they shouldnt?)
Error Type:
Microsoft VBScript runtime (0x800A000D)
Type mismatch: 'cint'
/asp/qtyupd.asp, line 18
newquantity = Request.QueryString(cstr(rs("item")))
this is the line ive been using in a file called qtyupd.asp, the above line is line 20, the one it's refering to.
And this is the validation code that im using:
<!-- hide JS code
var justValidating = true
function validateForm(f){
var val...
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