OK there wasnt an 'app.ini' in the folder so i put one in and inserted the code u gave me, but when i run the programme (i built it to .exe) the 3 buttons on my form appear, but when i click them nothing happens.
ftp://ftp.knad.co.uk/public_html/AppLoader.zip <-- here is my programme with...
it runs with no errors :)
but no ini is created or no prgrammes run wen i click buttons :(
Sorry if i sound like a n00b...i am lol
Thanks fo all the help, especially BobbaFet..derserves medal for puttin up wit me!
OK tried that, and edited code a bit...
i get this error tho :S
[Error] Unit1.pas(36): Undeclared identifier: 'Handle'
[Fatal Error] Project1.dpr(5): Could not compile used unit 'Unit1.pas'
And here the prog i use (thanks so much BobbaFet)
unit Unit1;
Windows, Messages...
ok, ill give it a go thanks alot m8 :)
ill tell ya how it goes..not sure about arrays and makin procedure to make globar vars, but im sure ill work it out lolz
thanks :)
IT WORKS :D thank you :)
now i know im probs pushin now lol, but anyhoo:
How do i load a list of exe locations from an ini file and assign them to buttons??
so i can have say a notepad button, and internbet button and a msn messenger button maybe.
Thank you so much all :D
Thanks all.
Error is
[Error] Unit1.pas(27): Undeclared identifier: 'ShellExecute'
[Fatal Error] Project1.dpr(5): Could not compile used unit 'Unit1.pas'
ShellExecute(Handle, 'open',
'c:\Windows\notepad.exe', nil, nil, SW_SHOWNORMAL);
I have found this on many sites..but it doesnt seem to work..some error with the 'shellexecute' bit :(
And i dont knwo how to load from ini's lol, im kinda new and cant find any gd tuts
Im new to delphi and just finished a tutorial on how to make a currency converter lol.
I want to make a programme that launches external programmes using file paths in an external file (ini maybe) and was wondering how to do this.
Any help is much appreciated
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