Thank you for the comments, I have decided to go with the t/f in the excel and I am going to use id's and append the values to the id. Then I will display into excel using the vbscript part of my code.
Thanks again.
I am new to html and asp so bare with me here. I am doing an export feature which works fine. The table is displayed on the webpage and then I export the info from the table into Excel.
One of the colums on the table has a checkmark, and when I try to export this field I do not get...
Sorry, I guess it doesnt help that I cannot properly explain my problem. I am very new to and html (obviously) Anyway, all I know is that there is some issues with (the way it reads rows or col's differently?) and for my internship project I am going to take our code from an...
I am trying to figure out how to make colspans work in an html table when I export the data to excel. Im not looking for someone to tell me, but I really would appreicate some pointing in the right direction so that I can learn. Maybe a good tutorial or website or some thread on this forum...
Not exactly sure what you mean. But It has to be formatted before it gets to the excel worksheet because it will be on a clients machine and I will have no control over it at that point.
I need some help finding some good code examples. I have a program that exports to excel from a database (clientside vbscript) but it takes away the leading zeros in my column. I would like to add a ' mark to the front of each number in my first column before it loads into the excel column, so...
I really appreicate all the help.. I have tried all of the suggestions. The one that helped the most was setting the values (initializing) to zeros.
BUT, there was also an error in the data file that my teacher had given us. I found it myself today.
Thanks again for the responses
The program is updating a master from a transaction file.
The field is credit-limit-wk pic 9(7).
Funny thing is... as soon as I animate to step thru the program I checked the value of this field and it already says invalid data in numeric field when examined and I havenet even done my...
First, I am getting the error 163, I understand what the error means, but I dont understand .. when i examine the value that is giving me the invalid data in numeric fild, the value changes has 20 00 00 00 00 00 listed... why is this in here?
More info available if needed, i am just learning...
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