I have searched the forum and found others have had this problem but I have not been able to find a solution that will work for my situation. I have a database that I have been using for a few years and it is working great. Do to changes in business needs I redesigned the database and I...
I hope this is the correct group for this question, if not I hope someone can direct me to the correct one is..
I have a co-working that is running Sql Server on a desktop and she has 3 tables that are extremely large. The files are so large she has no disk space let to work; at the current...
I have a query that totals items by the customer_account and another that has all the items. What I need to do is join these 2 queries together so that the total is at the top or bottom of the detail. I tied to use a union query but I only have 2 fields in the Total query and 15 in the detail...
I am trying to set up my database so that the application window is minimized and only the forms are displayed on the screen. I am using a macro RunCommand=>AppMinimize to Minimize the application and I set the forms Pop Up property to Yes and this part is working fine. The problem is I lose...
This is a good ideal for the local machines but I have remote users and the database will be one a server that dont have access the the Root Drive.
Please excuse my ignorance for I am a novice at VBA and I need to ask a few questions.
But first let me explain what I am trying to do. I am trying to write a routine for the Onload Event of my splash screen to verify that the copy of the database is located on specific server and...
This is what i did with the Val function
strComp2 = DMax(Val("orderid"), "order") + 1
I have gone from EN-600114 to EN-1-005 have i put the Val function in the correct place?
Thanks for the suggestion of using Debug.Print, i like that feature..
I am a novice at VBA and really appricate...
I have got this to work with the database being on a local E:\Files\Sales\SalesOrder.mdb. I have several machine that are not mapped on the E-drive so is there are way to have it work with \\OH38783\Files\Sales\SalesOrder.mdb?
Ok, now i am getting a type mismatch on strComp2 = DMax([orderid], "order") + 1 when it tries to INSERT the next ID.
I would also appreciate if you would explain what the & does in ( '" & [strOrderID] & "' ).
Yes, I place strOrderID = strComp1 & "-" & strComp2 & "-" & strComp3 after the individual string statement.
I still get the Enter parameter for strOrderID and when I change the [] in the INSERT INTO with single quotes in inserts “strOrderID” in the field and then I get an mismatch error..
THANKS! That did it, I would have never figured that one out. I have searched the web and this forum but had not see any examples like that for DLookup.
Any clue on what is wrong with my INSERT INTO statement or StrOrderID, it only insert a blank record. I have tried adding single quotes...
I am getting a Enter Parameter Value for StrOrderID. I have tried enclose it in "" and ' '.
Aslo I am trying to add Environ("UserName") to
DLookup("[strEmpDept]", "contact","Environ("UserName")") but can seem to get it to work is it even possible to us the Environ in a Dlookup?
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