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Search results for query: *

  1. llmclaughlin

    Oracle Enterprise Manager 11g

    Having a sporadic and unpredictable problem logging into OEM via web browser.The database is up and running not the problem, it's that sometime I can go to the OEM and login and sometimes I can't. I enter username and password and it will just sit there and never leave the login page. When it...
  2. llmclaughlin

    Get a ref cursor from within another procedure

    I have procedure which returns a ref cursor like. PROCEDURE DEST_WORK_LIST_DATE (outCURSOR OUT OUTPUTCURSOR) IS BEGIN OPEN outCURSOR FOR SELECT u_worklist_date, u_worklist_increment FROM u_worklist_user WHERE TRUNC (u_worklist_date) = TRUNC (SYSDATE)...
  3. llmclaughlin

    Getting number of days from date

    Using the below code I'm coming up one day short. From todays date 8/20/2011 is 54 days, the below gived me 53. Any suggestions? Dim sNOW As DateTime = Now.ToShortDateString Dim sDATE As DateTime = CType("08/20/2011", DateTime).ToShortDateString Dim tSPAN As...
  4. llmclaughlin

    Analyze table

    Ok, Thanks Louie
  5. llmclaughlin

    Analyze table

    After running "analyze table ALIQUOT compute statistics;" it practically took down the server, no queries would work against the table. Had to reboot server to get things to work again. Any ideas on what could cause this just by running the statement. Thanks Louie
  6. llmclaughlin

    PLSQL Exceptions

    I just want to know with the code below is there a way to to get the line number. I do use Toad while debugging, if there is a way to get just for that, then that will do. EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN err_msg := substr(SQLERRM, 1, 200); fileHandler :=...
  7. llmclaughlin

    PLSQL Exceptions

    Is there a way to get the line number where the error occured? Louie
  8. llmclaughlin

    Recordset not editable

    This how to make a oracle recordset from cursor updateable. Set rsWorkflow = New adodb.Recordset Set adoCmd.ActiveConnection = adoConnection adoCmd.CommandText = "LIMS.ALIQUOT_WORKLIST.PlateWorkFlow" With rsWorkflow .CursorLocation = adUseClient .Open...
  9. llmclaughlin

    Recordset not editable

    What I'm doing is calling a cursor in an oracle stored procedure. when I try this With adoCmd .ActiveConnection = adoConnection .CommandType = adCmdText .CommandText = "{CALL LIMS.ALIQUOT_WORKLIST.get_PROBEVIALS(?,?)}"...
  10. llmclaughlin

    Recordset not editable

    Changing vb6 inline sql to stored procedures, having problem with query where the recordset needs to be editable. Below is current code: adoProbeVials.CursorLocation = adUseClient adoProbeVials.Open strSQL, adoConnection, adOpenDynamic, adLockBatchOptimistic, adCmdText New code...
  11. llmclaughlin

    Reading file in pl/sql

    Ok, thanks, I'll add it myself. Thanks again Louie
  12. llmclaughlin

    Reading file in pl/sql

    The last record in the file does not have a CR. If I go in the file and press enter on the last record, then yes, it does read all. But the file is written out by a third party program, which I have no control over in having them put in a CR after the last record. Thanks Louie
  13. llmclaughlin

    Reading file in pl/sql

    I've tried to use the external table, it works, but not for what I am doing. The trouble with the below code is if there is only one record in the file it will exit on the last string in the file, meaning it will not get the kit type. Any help. text file T61235,65499157588932185233756,SINGLE...
  14. llmclaughlin

    Reading file in pl/sql

    Yeah, the procedure wasn't creating the table is what I was talking about. It does now. Thanks again. Louie
  15. llmclaughlin

    Reading file in pl/sql

    Thats easy enough, thanks. I need to run it from within stored procedure, I tried CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE TESTME(inFILENAME VARCHAR2) IS BEGIN EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'CREATE TABLE ext_louie('|| ' PLATE_NAME VARCHAR(20),'|| ' FEDEX_BARCODE VARCHAR2(20),'|| ' KIT_TYPE...
  16. llmclaughlin

    Reading file in pl/sql

    The file can be just 1 row to whatever, hardly ever over 100. Yes, I am reading one row at a time and inserting into an oracle table, the file looks like this. T60031,865700232856,SINGLE KIT T52853,989996267510,SINGLE KIT T49088,797425592891,SINGLE KIT T59107,408002946251,SINGLE KIT...
  17. llmclaughlin

    Reading file in pl/sql

    The file I'm reading has 3 columns comma seperated, the below code never gets the last record 3rd column always exit. The one that has KIT_TYPE. If my file has 25 rows it gets all information for 24 rows fine and get the plate_name and fedex_barcode for the 25 record. Any help. LOOP...
  18. llmclaughlin

    Form action from page with a master page

    Using alertpay subscription button, how do you run it from a page that does not have a form. <form method="post" action="https://www.alertpay.com/PayProcess.aspx" > <input type="hidden" name="ap_merchant" value="apdevforum@gmail.com"/> <input type="hidden" name="ap_purchasetype"...
  19. llmclaughlin

    Query question

    With the below query, say if resulnameid = 112 doesn't exists in the results_details table but all others do, the query returns nothing. How do you solve this? SELECT R101.resultvalue AS R101, R102.R102, R103.R103, R104.R104, R105.R105, R107.R107...
  20. llmclaughlin

    Need a way to open in new browser

    Is there way with the code below to make the pdf open in new browser window? Dim m_stream As New System.IO.MemoryStream() m_stream.Position = 0 Response.ContentType = "application/pdf" Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "inline; filename=MyExport.pdf")...

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