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Search results for query: *

  1. netw3rker

    designing tables to track data changes

    well, for anyone who was following this thread, the triger format i was looking for is: create trigger triggername on tablename instead of update as begin update tablename set enabled=0 from tablename inner join inserted on tablename.[idfield]=inserted.[idfield] insert into tablename ([all...
  2. netw3rker

    Timeout Updating Index Field

    sounds like you have this figured out, but .. out of curiosity, why are you storing the session id in the DB? and if the reason for the storing the sessionid is valid, why are you indexing against it, and even more so, why are you storing it in the table that has all the non logged in users...
  3. netw3rker

    designing tables to track data changes

    ya i definately want it set up so that in the case of passwords, the same password cant be used 2x. or at least a user specified amount (for a group policy). Adding a 'lastPassword' column would become an issue as the various 'policy makers' in the system would have different #'s to use. so at...
  4. netw3rker

    Update Trigger

    nice that noone responded to ya ;) try this: create trigger moveLeavers on employee.dbo.master for update as if (select leaveDate from inserted) < getDate() UPDATE EMPLOYEE.dbo.LEAVERS SET JOB = JOBTITLE STARTDATE = CONVERT(Char,b.DATEOFJOIN,103) FROM EMPLOYEE.dbo.LEAVERS a JOIN inserted b ON...
  5. netw3rker

    Using a Stored Procedure to create HTML: OPTION tags for a SELECT box

    thats great! but doesnt that kind of limit the effectiveness of the stored procedure? for example a developer might want to use the stored procedure: getRelatedBooks(bookID) to get the possible related books to the one being viewed, however by forcing the 'option' tags around the data, it...
  6. netw3rker

    designing tables to track data changes

    hi all, i'm trying to set up a system where data isnt deleted in certain tables in the database (i know.. visions of lotus notes are popping through your heads ;) ... ) here's an example of why: tblUsers (userID, firstname, lastname, DOB, username, password, enabled, dteModified) i'd like to...
  7. netw3rker

    combine two table records

    to the best of my knowledge, you arent going to be able to achieve those results thorugh a query simply because any way you relate those 2 non unique key's you are going to generate 4 records. 1=1 every time there. the best 2 options i think you can get are: select table1.id, "table1.top 2"...

Part and Inventory Search
