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Search results for query: *

  1. roo0047

    Delphi: Master of Object Oriented Programming

    Just curious, but does your version of Delphi include any of the RTL source? Roo Delphi Rules!
  2. roo0047

    TTrackBar change TMediaPlayer Position

    @Glenn (Sky Eagle ;-)) - BIG Thanks!!! You put it right where I hoped you would! @ug - That code is no doubt over most of our heads, including mine; which is why I said: So I challenge you to seize the opportunity. The short easy answers are soon forgotten! Roo Delphi Rules!
  3. roo0047

    TTrackBar change TMediaPlayer Position

    Glenn - That was not only the longest thread in Tek-Tips history but one of the most interesting and educational ever. Although I did my best to follow it back in 2008, my workload at the time was prohibitive. Now that I have some time (and that this post reminded me) I've decided to review it...
  4. roo0047

    How to get values from if function?

    Your post does not include how you defined Nindex and Objectthickness. "array of double" implies Dynamic arrays, rather than Static. You also did not show how you initialized the arrays, nor how you have populated them. Have you viewed them with a "Watch" or "Inspector" Window to see that they...
  5. roo0047

    TdateTimePicker is like a woman...

    Thanks for the vote of confidence! You made me feel much better after getting egg on my face with 'Generics'. Roo Delphi Rules!
  6. roo0047

    Generic array

    Sorry AND thanks. I'll have to read up on 'Generics'. :~/ Roo Delphi Rules!
  7. roo0047

    Delphi DirectSound and SampleGrabber

    Isn't there a commandment that states "Thou shalt NOT contest the word of M$"?!? Roo Delphi Rules!
  8. roo0047

    Generic array

    Dude - Both '<' and '>' are reserved characters for 'less than' and 'greater than', respectively. Something any 'Ancient Hacker' should know. LOL Roo Delphi Rules!
  9. roo0047

    TdateTimePicker is like a woman...

    Please don't get in the habit of expecting this, but I was bored. :-) That said, here you go - First the form: object Form3: TForm3 Left = 305 Top = 344 Width = 431 Height = 260 Caption = 'Try changing the 2 dates...' Color = clBtnFace Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color =...
  10. roo0047

    How to get rid of an hint?

    Consider the following code: if true the begin a:= 1; a:= 2; a:= 3; end; When exiting this if statement, the program can NEVER return values 1 or 2 for "a". "a" will ALWAYS equal 3. I think this is what the compiler is telling you. (in BOTH examples) Roo Delphi Rules!
  11. roo0047

    Canvas Problems

    Using XP SP3 w/ IE-8, your code ran just fine for me under D7 (with TImage). I tried several URLs. All of them worked as desired except for http://www.msn.com/ which consistently raises an invalid floating point error. Go figure! Have you tried installing SP3? Roo Delphi Rules!
  12. roo0047

    Read &amp; Write to USB Port - anyone done it?

    I was afraid of offending... My comment was not directed to the two of you, but more to the person(s) requesting it. I did a lot of development for modem/serial/device communications (and even IEEE-388) back in the late 80's to early 90's, hence my interest in this thread. I quite appreciated...
  13. roo0047

    Read &amp; Write to USB Port - anyone done it?

    No offense but it seems archaic that someone would choose dialing a pager with a modem in this decade when there are already ways to send an IM to a cell phone. Roo Delphi Rules!
  14. roo0047

    Change Picture on rollover?

    If you are trying to change the image displayed, based upon the state (up, disabled, clicked, down) of TButton, then you are doing a lot of work for nothing. Use TBitBtn instead. It already has this functionality built in. See "Glyph property (TBitBtn)" in Delphi Help. Roo Delphi Rules!
  15. roo0047

    Parsing a database

    way to go Steve!!! [thumbsup] Roo Delphi Rules!
  16. roo0047

    Parsing a database

    The ONLY difference between a repeat..until and a while...do is that the repeat..until will always execute (whatever is between) at least ONCE. Therefore, neither is more appropriate. It depends only on your needs. Roo Delphi Rules!
  17. roo0047

    TWebBrowser copy and paste?

    Yes! (I too use D7) ;-) Roo Delphi Rules!
  18. roo0047

    TWebBrowser copy and paste?

    ~Add ActiveX to your Uses clause... Roo Delphi Rules!
  19. roo0047

    TWebBrowser copy and paste?

    Add AciveX to your uses clause, then add the following code right before the final END. statement to your web form:Initialization begin OleInitialize(nil) end; Finalization begin OleUninitialize end; end. Roo Delphi Rules!
  20. roo0047

    Copy Outlook Attachments From Clipboard

    In D7, they are all declared in unit ShlObj. (Win32 API Shell objects Interface Unit) Roo Delphi Rules!

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