by saying the rows have no intrinsic value, i assume you mean that they can change whenever with no notification, right? the thing is that i read the data into the JTable from top to bottom and the original order is preserved. I will not make any changes to the data unless the changes are made...
the table i am using consists of 2 columns, 'ID', and 'Description'. The data is sorted by ID. When i pass the data into the JTable it is read in from the MySQL table in ordered sequence. Therefore, if i get the row number from the mySQL table it will correspond to the row number for the JTable...
i have a small form with 5 text fields whose left edges i want to line up horizontally. Is there a way to do this short of just playing with spaces until i get it right? i looked up the align attribute but i found it was deprecated so i need some ideas...thanks
the reason i want the row number is that i have a JTable which reads all 77000 entries from this table into it. I need to be able to search it. I assume doing a MySQL search would be faster than running sequentially down the line one by one in the JTable. Hence, if i return the row number i can...
Well, that would certainly work. However, i have in this case 77,000+ entries, and in some cases i will have more. I am trying to code a faster search of this data. We were doing it sequentially before, but i just got this project and now i think we will use mySQL with just an extra column to...
I have mySQL installed on my machine as well as Apache. However, i haven't done any configuration of the httpd.conf file to tell apache anything about mySQL like i did with PERL. do i need to do any configuration before i can interact with mySQL through apache? or can i just have at it? thanks
now, this is probably easy, but i am just a beginner with SQL. I already searched around on, but i found nothing. I want to know if there is a way to get the row number for a certain entry. For example, say you have this database
ID Name
234 Joe
OK, OK, OK....
i think i get it now. the problem is that i have 2 paths: one for the directory to open and check, the other for where apache links to. I thought that since they are the same directory, both could be expressed the same but i guess apache sees '/photos' as a folder 'photos' in the...
I am trying to learn PERL. I am doing pretty good, but i am a bit stuck.
OK, so i have my apache installed in the directory:
C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache2
i have my cgi-bin directory set up in this folder to be my cgi directory. So, my PERL script is supposed to take in (through...
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