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Unfortunately that didn't work either.
And to make matters worse: I copied and pasted the script for each of my comboboxes and changed the event handler and data sources according, but when I tested it the menus would not drop, they only showed their default --Buildings--
Why would adding code...
Hi pixl8r,
This is still not working for me. I have a few questions to make sure I am implementing the script correctly:
1. I have 5 comboboxes on my map (different categories for buildings). I only replaced the script for the first combobox with the one you wrote for me, to test it out. Do...
Hello. I'm creating an interactive map. The base map (first scene, first frame) has only building outlines and streets. Above the map are several drop down lists (using comboboxes). If the user selects an item in the combobox, the corresponding building is highlighted and labeled. So far...
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