**How can i modify this to have a field when adding users, to have an expire, amount of hours?
use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);
require "cookie.lib";
require "common.cgi";
ANy suggestions, i want a cookie script to work with a cgi script, i need it to see that every time a user signs on, it will record time on and put it into a file, once user reaches time period it will not let you back on. Need it to expire by hours, example:
username: mholyfield = 10 hours...
Cookie script> continued
else {
# Split the compressed cookie and split the cookie name/value #
# pairs, setting them in %Cookies. Also set cookie flag to 1. #
foreach (split(/&/,$Cookies{$cookie_name})) {
($cookie,$value) =...
How can i modify this cookie script which runs off a login script to expire login by hours, and have it do it consitently, example, 10 hours login
user: mike
logins today for 4 hours, tommorrow he would only have 6 hours left before expiring, any thoughts...
Coding continued:
print $header;
print "<body bgcolor=\"#E2DEB8\">\n";
print "<h1>Email Sent</h1>\n";
print "Your email has been successfully sent. Press 'Retun' to go back to the main menu.\n";
if ($demo eq "on") {
print "<P><i>Email disabled in demo.</i><P>\n";
print "<FORM...
Coding continued:
Usage: &SetCompressedCookies(cname,name1,value1,...,namen,valuen) #
# Variables: cname - Name of the compressed cookie to be set. #
# Ex. 'CC' #
# name - Name...
These scripts have several they work off of, i want to modify them so i can make an input on my admin page when adding users, and set a time to expire by hours, so it would have to be tracked, whats the best way?
use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);
My admin page that sets up the users, i fill it in, would i have to change that page too:
Next question my members.txt is derived from my admin page, what additional coding do i have to do, and in addition where do i add this into it:
($user,$password,$location)=split /\|/, $_;
if ($user eq...
How can i modify this script so that each time a user logs in it will display a diff, page it is set up now, to view main.txt after logging in, all members are stored in members.txt folder.
Any thoughts:
use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);
require "cookie.lib"...
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