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  • Users: nyx
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  1. nyx

    Intel810 Graphic on windows2000

    I have driver nyx@one.lv
  2. nyx

    open new window problem..

    Hi, jjdm, I was reading your response there... could you explain this to me? I think I'm having the exact problem which you described in your message but I have no idea how to solve it. I posted my problem a couple posts before but no one responded. :( I'd appreciate any help, even if it were...
  3. nyx

    IE hanging when creating pages on the fly

    Hi, I'm having a bit of trouble with my webpage and I was hoping someone here could help me out... I have a java script that works like this: 1) User clicks on thumbnail 2) Script builds page with appropriate picture and caption that correspond to the thumbnail the user clicked on. the...
  4. nyx

    Can't change CommandText property in DataEnvironment

    well, I solved it... took me a while and gave me quite a headache but I did it... found this article, and it was a bit of help... http://support.microsoft.com/support/kb/articles/Q251/3/29.asp Here's the line that was the real kicker: If DataEnvironment.recordset.state then...
  5. nyx

    Can't change CommandText property in DataEnvironment

    OK, solved that problem, but now I face a new one... The first problem, was due to the fact that I'm an idiot and ... well yeah, I'm an idiot. :P I didn't open the database in Shared mode so when the DataEnvironment tried to make another connection to it I guess, it crapped out. I'm using DAO...
  6. nyx

    Can't change CommandText property in DataEnvironment

    Hi, I'm having a lot of trouble changing the CommandText property of a Data Environment. I just moved over to an Access 2000 Database which in turn uses the Jet 4.0 OLE DB Provider. But when I try and change the CommandText property in code I get the following error: Run Time Error...
  7. nyx

    Trouble with a sql statement.... any ideas?

    WAHOO!! :) I figured it out! :) Actually, what I did was take Gord's first statement and made some adjustments to it. Here's what it looks like: SELECT Accounts.* FROM Accounts INNER JOIN Members ON [Accounts].[Account_Name]=[Members].[Members] WHERE ((([Members].[Account_ID])=2586)); And...
  8. nyx

    Trouble with a sql statement.... any ideas?

    Wow! lots of questions. I do apologize. I didn't mean to cause so much grief with you guys. My name is Nicholas by the way. :) I didn't want to send a barrage of information as I know sometimes I get "flamed" for doing so. :( To test the above solutions, please correct me if I am...
  9. nyx

    Trouble with a sql statement.... any ideas?

    Hey guys! Thanks for the replies. You have to forgive me as I am not an expert at Access as you guys are. :( I do want to apologize ahead of time if I am answering/asking the wrong questions. To simplify things I will attempt to explain what I need to do... I have 2 tables: Syntax: <Table...
  10. nyx

    Trouble with a sql statement.... any ideas?

    Hi, I'm trying to build a single sql statement out of the 2 statements below but I have no idea how, or even if it is possible to do. Can anyone enlighten me? SELECT Accounts.[Name], Accounts.[Address], Accounts.[Phone] FROM Query1 INNER JOIN Accounts ON Query1.[Members] = Accounts.[Name]...
  11. nyx

    How to wait on results from a Shell function?

    Hi, I don't know anything about perl but if you use the Shell command in Access to execute your perl script, you might find this webpage of some help. It helped me when I ran into a similar problem, except I was running a simple batch file. ;P here's the link. http://www.visbasic.com/shelland.htm
  12. nyx

    How do you pause a macro until the runApp Action is finished?

    Hi, I'm making a simple macro that executes a batch file that creates a text file then the macro uses this text file to import data into a database. The trouble I'm running into though, is that Access runs the runApp command asynchronously meaning that it doesn't wait until it finishes before...
  13. nyx

    How do you run a batch file using VB code??

    hi, well, this is an update to my question.... i figured out that its my parameter that is causing the trouble. my batch file accepts one parameter. the problem is that the parameter must be enclosed in quotes in order to execute properly. However when I construct the string to pass to the...
  14. nyx

    How do you run a batch file using VB code??

    Hi, me again... I'm having trouble executing a batch file using VB code in Access... I've attempted to use the Shell() function but it keeps telling me that its an invalid procedure call... seems to work fine for .exe's but when I put in a .bat file to execute it gives me the error... any ideas?
  15. nyx

    How can I manipulate records in code?

    hey, k, I fixed it! :) had to declare the recordset variable as a DAO.Recordset type instead of just a Recordset type... I have no idea what difference that is. :\ guess its just one of those &quot;Access&quot; tidbits... Thanks for your help though. I appreciate it. ... now I gotta figure...
  16. nyx

    How can I manipulate records in code?

    It sure is frustrating.... you would be correct in assuming that 'myrec' is the name of the table I wish to reference. ideas?
  17. nyx

    How can I manipulate records in code?

    hi, thanks for the help! well, it worked... sorta. :) It got me past my first problem, but now it will not perform the 'set rs' line; says 'Type Mismatch' AH! this is driving me crazy. I never had so much trouble accessing an Access db in VB. :( any help? thanks
  18. nyx

    How can I manipulate records in code?

    Hi, I'm trying to figure out how I can &quot;open&quot; the database within an Access procedure to manipulate the records through code. I tried doing the following: dim db as database dim rs as recordset set db = opendatabase(&quot;mydata.mdb&quot;) set rs =...
  19. nyx

    Help wth specifying a delimiter when importing via macro

    Hi, well, i solved my own problem. ;) Just in case anyone else runs into the same problem, here's what I did: 1. First open the text file you want to import. This will open the import wizard. 2. At the bottom of the first dialog box, click the Advanced button. 3. Here you will be able to...
  20. nyx

    Help wth specifying a delimiter when importing via macro

    Hi, I'm trying to import a text file that has been generated by a batch file. The data's columns are separated by dashes '-' in the file. I'm trying to figure out how I can specify the dash as the delimiter in a macro I am making to automate inserting the text from the file into a database but...

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