yes, that was it - I was attempting to "hard-code" 07:30 in by using @SchedTime as:
Time ('07:30AM')
my original posting shows this... Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!! I know that in a week, they will see that this is totally screwy and the best way to take care of this is to actually have...
I figured out what is wrong - I have the select expert to only pull scheduled start times between 07:30 and 08:05. I need any records that come in based on this criteria to revert back to 07:30. The script you gave me reverts any 08:00 or beyond to the hour instead of the half hour (i.e...
this does seem to be working for the positive numbers - you'd said to reverse this for the negative numbers, but if I reverse it then the positive numbers get thrown off...
what you suggested is exactly how it is on the original report (I've been tasked to re-create the report). The reason I'm wanting to "hard-code" in 07:30AM instead of using {casemain.schedcase_start_datetime} is a complicated issue. This database is used to track surgical cases scheduled in...
Ok, this is complicated - ready for a challenge? Using Crystal 8.5. I have a datetime field that I wanted to extract just the time information from, so I created a formula field called @PatOrInTime as:
Time ({caseintraop.pat_or_in_datetime})
this works just fine - displays as I want on the...
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