printer.counts in the real it starts from -1 and add two line for each printer, but -1 is the port and 0 is the name of the first printer
Then i must start from 0 (the name) and progress by two (step 2)
what do you suggest?
maybe i can change the script but i'm curious to understand this error
the error still remain for windows 7
i think there is a patch or software that scan the correct scripting form.
Infact the script is execute without error until "end sub".
i Think less some correct exit form from sub or from cycle for-next.
i build a vb script to install a printer if not exist, but on some windows 7 (not all windows 7 client) i have this error:
Error: Invalid Index
Code: 8002000B
Origin: SWbemObjectEx
The portion ocde with error is this:
sub GroupPrinterpadova1 ()
Set Printers =...
i need to save certainly events fron event log in a determinate data
First i use simple microsoft example to test backup
strComputer = "."
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" _
& "{impersonationLevel=impersonate,(Backup)}!\\" & _...
i find the trouble
Service name and display name.
my SO is in italian and i try to stop the service name and not the display name,so are different and the service can't stop because havn't that name :)
i rechange script
thx for reply but isn't my problem.
Is Space problem in service name
i take a look in forum and find this thread
but i surely wrong something,becouse it isn't still working
i do a simple vbscript to stop a service and have a simple log out.
It work but not properly.
Infact if service exist and it can be stopped ,in log file i read "Service Messenger Stopped",and all work well
but if not exist or it not stopped... the script finish and i read nothing in log file...
a)you right, i change to 10 or 11 but at the end is better,right read.
b)it work perfectly :) (obviously is only a part of vbscript and printer group :) )
c)thanks for idea, now i work with select.
MakeItSo,for point 2)
exactly how i can modify my script,in stead of "goto"?
i write an example.
test1 = "10.16.244."
test2 = "10.16.245."
test3 = "10.16.246."
test4 = "10.16.247."
Set WshNetwork = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Network")
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