Now I understood the FileName part of your code, thank you very much for explaining, but my Dumb brain could not understand how will this script Split the file whenever the Date field value changes (we have not mentioned any condition!), I am sorry if am irritating you, but please help me...
Basically i am a SAS programmer and i am new to AWK, i could not understand what to keep in place of OUT, do i have to give the output file name here?
when ever the date value changes i want to generate a new file exmaple : outfile1, outfile2 .....
Can you explain me how this works?
Hi Thanks for your reply, But i want to print all the records with the same date into one file, whenever the date value changes i have to write it into a new file? can you please tell me the solution for this?
2000011|PPS_OWNER|2004-07-14 00:00:00|100|50|0||0||0||0||0||0||0||0||0||MTR_COMMENT|1|2|25|15|||||||||||10|1|||
303100005|PPS_OWNER|2004-07-14 00:00:00|100|50|0||0||0||0||0||0||0||0||0||MTR_COMMENT|1|2|25|15|||||||||||10|1|||
I have just pasted 2 record from my data file, the file is...
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