One thing though, once installed, SP2 turns on it's firewall by default, which will block you out of remote tools, software pushing, and a few other things.
I'm playing with an .inf file (see below) to open up remote tools and WMI, and there a couple hot fixes for the other problems if you...
Eesh, that is odd. Is this happening to all of your clients, or to just a specific few? If it is just a few, is there anything those clients have in common as far as installed programs or what not?
My next guess was going to be some type of firewall/domain restriction between your machine and...
Just a shot in the dark, but when you set up the distribution program, did you check the box that allows the client to interact with this program (under the program settings on the environment tab)?
My understanding is that if that box is not checked, the program will always run in the background.
I'm having some problems getting Software Distribution functioning properly on my new (and first) SMS install. I have created several packages with varying layouts, and advertised all of them to my client machine, but when I go to run the advertised install, I always get the following...
Did the Remote Tools Client Agent get disabled on accident? To check, go to :
Site Database->Site Hiearchy-><Site Name>->Site Settings->Client Agents
Then right click on "Remote Tools Client Agent" and select properties. Once up, ensure that the "Enable Remote Tools on clients" is checked...
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