The following happens:
If I invoke the Printer Setup screen and my default printer's paper size is set to A4 (as defined through Printing preferences) , the printer set up screen has size set to Letter rather then A4. It prints on Letter rather then the default printer's setting of A4.
I am trying to use the PrinterSetup method. For some reason the Printer Setup dialog does not pick up default driver settings for paper size.
If both A4 and Letter sized paper is available on a printer, the reports will print using Letter even though A4 may be the default paper size ...
Here is the code (the second variable TEXT_ID appears as ????? marks after the 100th record)--
sampleQuery = "select SAMPLE_NUMBER,TEXT_ID from sample where (Status = 'C' OR Status = 'I' OR Status = 'P') And M_SITE_CODE = '" & sSite & "' order by SAMPLE_NUMBER desc"
conLIMS -->...
I am trying to execute a query through an ADO connection to an Oracle 9i Database. Two fields are being queried for and placed in a recordset. Everything looks fine until after the 101th record where one field is retrieved but the second field is retrieved as ???????? (question marks). In the...
I am trying to execute a query through an ADO connection to an Oracle 9i Database. Two fields are being queried for and placed in a recordset. Everything looks fine until after the 101th record where one field is retrieved but the second field is retrieved as ???????? (question marks). In...
I receive the error: System Error &H8007007E(-2147024770). The Specified module could not be found.
I am attempting to bring up a crystal reports designer in a VB 6 project. I was able the to bring up the the designer in the past. Any ideas as how to resolve?
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