Synapsevampire or anyone,
I have to thank you , while I don't really know what you said, your formula for the most part did work. So anyway Thanks.
When the formula below runs:
{@Time Elapsed Since Last Entry}-previous({@Time Elapsed Since Last Entry})
What is returned is the...
I’m working in Crystal 8 and using Oracle database.
I’ve created a report that can calculate the date and time of an entry positing upto the current time and date. So in other words I can tell you how long ago an entry was made. See formula below
I ‘m don’t know how to construct a formula...
am working in Crystal Report (8.5)using an Oracle Database.
My issue is that I need to have a count of ticket in Open status during a selected PAST date range. (FDATE) to (FTDate)
The Closed Status is triggered when a Closed time is registered. Changing the status from Open to Closed.
Thank you. I'll try to answer the questions.
On what filed is the WorkOrders and Incidents joined.
I've linked the Fields: WorkOrder# to Incident#.
The Incidents can be have many WorkOrders
but WorkOrders can have only one incident.
Datetime Fied commas...
Using Crystal 8.5 - Oracle Database
I have two tables:Incidents and WorkOrders. The tables are link WorkOrders to Incidents with a left outer join.
WordOrders MAY have a corresponding Incident number. An incident is open and a work order is spun off, but not all ways. WorkOrder maybe created...
I am using crystal 85 and an access data base I crated
In my report, by month, I am attempting to get a sum of a column. sum(minutes_table).
I need a sum/count of minutes for a certain type.
Each of the formulas below give me the total for the month. It will not distinguish between...
I am working in Crystal 8.5 with Access data base I created.
In a graph that I crated in my monthly report, Sometimes, there is a piece of data that is not represented in the pie graph. This don't alway happen of each month and it's not always for the same data.
This is a pie chart.
I need a daily average.
Please help me find a formula or function where the current date of month (1,2,3,4....31) is used to average my occurances. That is where the reports recognized todays date and uses it in the average formula.
I am using crystal 8.5. with an Access Data base.
DAILY AVERAGE IN A MONTHLY REPORT - I am not sure how to even go about doing this, so if you have any ideas. I am using Crystal 8.5. with An Access data base I created.
I have a date_field which is grouped by month in my report.
I have a item_type which is counted and inputted daily.
I am...
I was too embarrassed to email you again with my questions. So I thought I'd try this form. I can't keep bothering you.[rednose]
Thanks again for helping me out.
Maria [ponytails]
Thanks, synapsevampire - I am new at this, I try again.
-OracleDataBase / ODBC
Example Data: Among other information each incident has:
Open and/or closed date.
Open and/or closed time.
Open and/or closed state.
Sample formula:
- if {Incident.State:} = 'O' then 0...
I have created a Crystal 8.5 Report that groups by month.
For each month I want -
A count of "incidents/ticket" Opened for that month
- that works fine [bigsmile]
A count of "incients/ticket" Closed for that month
- Not fine [mad]
-Instead, I'm getting a count of Incidents that where Open...
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